Servant's Chamber and Magus Lab News (Patreon)
2016-09-30 19:08:17
2016-09-30 19:16:23
Hello everyone.
First I want to say you that first version of Servant's Chamber will be realeased in few days.
After a lot of hard work we really hope, that you will like story of Servant.
Second about Magus Lab, brozeks redraw a lot of art and animations. And our programmer now have more free time (thanks to all your pledge) and we want to complete first version of Magus Lab (with all of new content). We think alter one or two month it will be realesed.
Thank you guys very much for your supporting. Check news about release of Servent's Chamber. As I say it will be in few days. =)
First I want to say you that first version of Servant's Chamber will be realeased in few days.
After a lot of hard work we really hope, that you will like story of Servant.
Second about Magus Lab, brozeks redraw a lot of art and animations. And our programmer now have more free time (thanks to all your pledge) and we want to complete first version of Magus Lab (with all of new content). We think alter one or two month it will be realesed.
Thank you guys very much for your supporting. Check news about release of Servent's Chamber. As I say it will be in few days. =)