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First, a couple of caveats about this one:

a) This is NOT Chazka's final voice. I was just tinkering with this figure (which I LOVE) and trying out some old dialogue clips I had from a "reserve" voice actress...and before I knew it there were enough clips to make this dialogue video. Chazka, in her final form, will have a proper accent and is actually one of the MKU's "good (mostly) girls."

b) as mentioned before, this one is strictly a voice clip. No action yet. Although Chaz possesses the standard "Superman" style powers, and can't wait to use them.

c) and, finally - and it sucks that I have to say this - there are NO intended political ramifications about the character, her outfit, her backstory, etc. I know anything vaguely related to the Middle-Easternish part of the world is automatically politicized. I like the figure, I like the colors, and that's about it...nothing pro- or anti-Israel or Palestinian intended, and even if there were, this isn't the place to discuss it.

(The MKU character of Chazka was created in part as an opposite for a alternate-history character that is on her way...imagine if instead of Captain America, the super serum went to a Bavarian bar wench. The only reason that character hasn't debuted properly yet is all the sheer idiocy going on right now, here at home and abroad, where fascists have somehow decided it's okay to come out from under their collective rock. That character was created in tandem with the genre writer Wistan - RIP, buddy - and he got all kinds of weird racist, anti-semitic, deeply disturbing posts about his stories which starred similar figures. I figured if there was going to be a superpowered WWII german soldierette in the MKU, she needed something to balance her, so Chazka was born.) 

Anyway, just a reminder that we're here for buff supergirls doing crazy stuff, not geopolitics. Posting anti-semitic idiocy (or anti-Palestinian idiocy, which is just as stupid) will be the fastest way to get yourself banned, so don't do it, please. Just enjoy the muscle.  :)

Anyway, enough of that. Here's a temporarily-voiced Chaz offering some smack talk.




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