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Hello all, 

Just dropping a line about this month's activity. As most of you know, I've been dealing with a huge family medical condition that now involves chemotherapy. It's taken most of my time and all of what what money I have... I might actually lose internet service today (and this is AFTER insurance). 

Anyway, just making an update to assure you I haven't forgotten about you guys. I've been rendering more days that not, I'm just in that weird spot that happens sometimes where I have multiple things half-finished but none ready yet. That should change in the next day or two!

A new playful Titaness video, part one of Ninjette's first kung fu adventure, a long-awaited custom order, and some FireAnt comic pages should be wrapping up soon. 

Thanks so much for the kind words lately (and as always, your patience). You guys are THE BEST. 




Gregg Hill

Have I mentioned, as a Canadian, that I hate it too, because of cases like yours, and the very principle of it? Considering what you've been going through, it would be pretty lousy on our part to be impatient for new stuff, but I don't think any of us are. If it gets to be too much have you considered posting old work from your blog days, just enough to keep the page open? I'm sure at least some of us would be interested to see how your animation work evolved.

Ryan D

Take all the time you need. Your family and your well-being should always come first. We will be here for you and keep supporting you along the way. Good luck with everything!

Bill Vu

Take care of yourself first! Don't worry about us!