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Well, someone in my close family is in the middle of getting a terrible diagnosis; it's most likely a terminal condition. I'm heartbroken over the whole thing and I can't see how it won't affect my output here in the next few weeks to come (at the minimum, maybe longer), as I'll be helping out physically, in addition to being completely emotionally drained. 

I'll create and post what I can, as fast as I can make it, but I would advise to expect a slowdown in my output. If the condition gets as bad as forecasted sooner rather than later, I might even have to put the page on hiatus for a while...the trust and support everyone here has lent over the past couple of years (some of you, much longer -- looking at you, KF! :) truly does mean a lot to me and I don't want to burn any bridges. It's always been my goal to provide as much as a value for your support as I can. For now, I'll do a trial period to see how much I can create on my (more) limited schedule , and we'll have to play it by ear as to what will happen until the situation is...resolved. 

Hug your family, friends, and pets close, TODAY. Tell them what they mean to you, now, because none of use are promised a tomorrow. 



Ryan D

I am sorry to hear that Dusty. You take as long as you need to. Take things one day at a time and do what you need to do. We all understand and support you. Good luck with everything!


All the best to you and yours.

The Alternate202

Really, really sorry to hear that Dusty. Here's hoping that whatever the situation is it turns out not to be as bad as it seems right now, and/or your family member in question ends up defying the diagnosis and beating it. There's always hope even when it doesn't feel like it. Take as much time off as you need and do whatever you need to do. Family is always the most important thing after all. And if you do feel that you might need to put this page on pause for a while that's fine, as we'll all be here when you're ready to return. Take care man, and I really hope this all works out for the best for you and your family.

The Mickster

My heart and all sincere best wishes goes to you. My mother and my best friend rolled into one died last March and I couldn't have been at her side for her final few days. Its something that will always haunt me for the rest of my life, so you take as much time off as you like. Family come first. Respect. Mick