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Since we are probably appreciators of female muscle on real women and not just CGI creations, I though it would be fun to cast a ballot for your favorite buff female of all time - bodybuilder/fitness/athletes - all in one list. Is your favorite not an option? Add her with a comment below. 

I'll add mine after the voting has slowed down, for those of you who are interested.

*there's a limit to how many I can provide, so add yours in a comment if she doesn't appear!



Nataliya Kuznetsova has my vote. She's one of the biggest out there.

Gregg Hill

While they're not my top favourite, I'm surprised that Suzi Kaminga and Amber DeLuca aren't on the list. Maybe the next poll should be for which FBB do you think would make a great mankiller because those two sure as hell would, as well as some others in the list.


Julie Bourassa was also a great one.


Suzi Kaminga


In case anybody was curious.... I think I come down on the cratolagnia side of the genre. I like the idea of buff girls, obviously, in pics and videos, even the art I create myself, obviously.... but when I see a really big bodybuilder in person, I realize that in reality, it's not really my thing. I prefer the figure/crossfit competitors, or maybe a BB in the offseason. So for me, it might be a "show of strength" thing. That said....my favorites are: 3. Andrea Trent -- a gal who was once truly big. And just gorgeous. Her eyes were nearly unnatural in their intensity. 2. Sue Kaminga -- gorgeous. And her playful attitude made her the ultimate heartbreaker. and #1: I'm a huge, huge Erica Cordie fan. Just a stunningly cute woman, and curves that go on for days. And, I'm glad to say, I had the chance to talk with her a while back as I tried to set up a video project, and yes, she is absolutely as cool as all those clips suggest she is. She is super cool, and really funny. She's moved out of the scene over the past year or two and isn't quite as big as she used to be, but good gosh. What a woman.


Didn’t know Erica Cordie, thanks for the tip! Totally stunning! Do you know Lisa Bickels? Could also be somebody you would want to have a look at ;)


The hottest girls not on the list: Rahel Anastasia Cucchia Vivi Winkler Ashley Lakomowski Valentina Mishina Lindsey Cope Jen Louwagie Guluzar Tufenk Natalia Coelho Amanda Machado Asha Hadley Sandra Grajales An Da Jeong Shannon Seeley Dani Reardon


Two names I haven't seen yet but definitely deserve a place here are Tomoko Kanda and Xin Li Cao. Both look great and they have such playful personalities. Sadly it's gotten hard to find their videos nowadays...


Amber Deluca


How could I have left off a new(ish) favorite? Slava Galagan isn't as big as she was even a year ago, but is drop-dead gorgeous.

Whiskey Jak

A lot of my favorites show up on your list, but my all time favorite, Katka Kyptova, is absent.


What about Nataliya Kuznetsova? She is massive!