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For you animation fans, have I got a doozy for you. 

You HAVE to see the Warner Bros/DC "Justice League: WWII" movie that just came out. The story is fine, and the animation quality is better than some recent efforts. But here's why it's officially endorsed by the MKU: Boy, does Wonder Woman kick all kinds of ass. 

In this modern time, when some get skittish with violence, or objectification, etc., WW is sometimes watered down. She becomes the peacemaker, and I suspect she is sometimes deliberately drawn to de-emphasize her physical appearance (sometimes, she looks downright...strange.) 

Well, in JS: WWII, the gloves are OFF. 

In this one, Diana is tall, beautiful, and actually buff! And as fans of our little niche, she is EVERYTHING we could hope for. She's regal, but not stand-offish, she's serious, but not humorless, and she is absolutely in charge of this team of heroes. And she kicks ass - so much ass, there must be piles of dead Nazis in her wake. 

She has one of the best, most epic intros of any superhero movie I've seen, with a great "oh, shit" moment from the group of Nazis she's about the decimate. And DC didn't shrink from making her brutal when she needs to be - this is war! She blurs into action, wiping out platoons with some of the best action scenes I've seen in any DC animated movie. She performs body throws on at least two guys whose backs have to be broken after she's done, and one kick snaps a guy's leg like kindling. 

"We all have to die sometime," she says, and then kicks in a massive door right when a Nazi tries to run through it, squashing him like a bug. Boy oh boy -- I feel like they made this movie just for us. She cuts through at least 18/two dozen soldiers, wrecks two tanks, and has not one, but TWO scenes where she lifts the Flash and hold him off the ground by his throat, for at least a minute and a half. LOVE. IT. 

Anyway, this is probably the best depiction of WW I've ever seen, and as a HUGE fan of the character, that says a lot.  




Ryan D

DC’s animated movies are WAY better than their live action movies. At least half of them are rated R and they can get away with more stuff than the live action movies.


Would be cool to see Warrior Woman in there. https://femalevillains.fandom.com/wiki/Warrior_Woman_(Marvel_Comics)


Funny you bring her up. I'm working on an origin video for a similar character. She was created by a great writer, and nice guy, who unfortunately I was told is no longer with us. He was able to see the first few passes at her "look," and while I'm going to take a few liberties with some of his story details, some of the credit goes to him. His name was Wistan, and there are some of his stories on the DtV site. The character appears as the preview image for his bookshelf. I'm not sure when I'm going to get to it, but I've had our voice actress do a LOT of video-specific dialogue for this one already.