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Well, I knew it was coming, eventually, and now it's here. 

I've been warned by some eagle-eyed MKU fans that the new, subscriber-only content is showing up on free sites. With thousands of views. 

Some of it is in it is in its entirety, others carefully edited and cropped to eliminate the opening and closing credits and even the watermark in places. 

That means the content I've been spending a ridiculous amount of time (and TONS of money in voice work, hardware & software) making for you has been made essentially worthless. Whoever is doing this is playing me for a sucker, and now, they're playing you for one, too. 

I didn't open a pay site to make money, I just wanted to cover my expenditures for gear and voice work, so this genre hobby would stop costing money ... I've gotten there, but just barely. And there's no way it will cover the cost of a live-action mankiller video. And now ... there's NO WAY I'm going to lay out thousands of dollars for a live shoot if somebody is just going to post it to P-hub. 

This kind of pirating is the reason genre pros like Wicked City Girls closed up. People like the content, but $5 or $10 a month is too much? (a special thanks to my premium tier all-stars, you guys are the only reason this site is still here, honestly). What is the first person who posts it thinking? YOU ALREADY HAVE THE CLIP, genius. What do you get by putting it out there on a free site, other than the satisfaction of knowing you're killing my productivity? 


- I'm going to pursue immediate takedown measures at the sites in question.
  If I can, I'm coming after your account privileges in said site(s)

- I will create some form of "thank you" rewards for MKU subscribers who
  alert me to pirated links

- get ready for MUCH more prominent watermarking (sorry, I hate this too). I
  had been making them more and more faint, because it's distracting and I
  hate it, but now .... thank the pirate.  

- I'm going to re-evaluate keeping the download links permanently active.
  Now that I now it's being pirated, someone could join for a month,
  download everything, and post it all, effectively wiping out years of work.
  I hate this too. There might be some kind of schedule I put archived
  work on. I know this equals a loss in value, which I hate .... I'm open to
  ideas. Message me if you have any. 


I'll be continuing to create content, but I'll be watching the subscriber count very closely. If it takes a hit more than what I've seen lately... I don't know, I don't want to think about that. But there's a real chance this site could fold up shop (I would HATE that, but it's a danger). 

Pirates have killed far bigger genre sites than me, folks. 

A long time ago, I had a blogspot site where I just made stuff and gave it a way for free. For YEARS. Those old blogspot clips are still floating around; whatever, that's fine, they were meant to be free. 

I closed up shop and went away, for YEARS, after a few real choice people got downright abusive when I wouldn't do extra work, for free, on their timeline. "More more more, free stuff, send me pictures, more more!" I got mad and starting taking the material down, and I can still see the message posted by the main instigator: "Delete away, sunshine." 

I couldn't wrap my head around their sense of entitlement, and it pissed me off royally. So I stopped posting stuff anywhere. For a loooong time. And promised I would never provide anything for free again. Which makes me sad, because I enjoyed giving it away, honestly. But some people just take and take.

But I came back, years later, to see if people would volunteer to at least cover my expenses. I figured that meant having a thicker skin and putting up with more crap since there was $ involved.

Well, I'm on the financial razor's edge of being able to do this, and if thousands of people are getting the work for nothing, that's at least a couple dozen who would have paid a few dollars who suddenly aren't. 

I know I'm lecturing the choir; I'm sorry. You current MKU supporters are my heroes; you make it possible to create more of the material we all like. But now, there are a couple of you who have put the whole whole thing in danger. If you're the one posting it... you're a dick. Thanks a lot.   

oh, and PS: If you loyal, gracious, and all-around genuinely awesome MKU subscribers find MKU content posted on a sharing site anywhere, I encourage you to FLOOD the poster's account and message board with METRIC TONS "you're an asshole" messages. Just sayin. I'd love to see it. Thanks again, 99% of you. :)

PPS: There is a guy named "cris123535" on YoutTube who posted the new subscriber-only paid content. FLOOD HIS PAGE, folks, please. Comments, down votes, and you're allowed to file a 3rd-party copyright claim. He breaks them up into 10-sec clips so I have to do SO MANY forms. Help me out with this guy? 


Literally within minutes of my first copyright claim, cris 123535 took down my videos from his YT page. YAY! Cris 123535, if you see this, I REALLY appreciate you taking them down on your own accord. I'm actually GLAD you like the videos, I WANT you to see them... just please don't put them out there any more than they already are. Eventually that would lead to me not making them anymore, and neither of us wants that, right? 

Also, one of the two offending P-Hub users saw my messages on their posts (and maybe got an email from P-Hub of my copyright complaint), and deleted the videos. Double YAY. 

Thanks - D

ADDENDUM: As I mentioned above, deep down inside I sort of knew this day was inevitable, but it still surprised me how shocked, sad, and angry I was seeing my stuff -- YOUR STUFF -- out there. But I'll get over it. I'll fight it, as best I can. If you guys see it posted somewhere, take the fight to the poster for me too, will you? I'll just try harder, and I'll put more effort into the marketing angle of things. More eyeballs seeing promos eventually means more folks willing to support it, right? Fingers crossed. Anyway...just know how grateful I am for the financial support of each of you, every single day. The amazing upper tier guys, to the $5 art-only folks, to the guys who drop in and out every few months -- I get it, no worries. I'm so, so thankful for your guys support (and patience). Our goofy little corner of the internet sure has some good people in it. :)

ADDEDUM 2: And now P-Hub has processed their copyright complaint and the Willow video and Flex-Off pirated copies are down! Whoo-hoo! So, it's possible to follow up on these, it just takes a lot of legwork. THANK YOU SO MUCH to the original tipsters, you guys are the best, and a little something special is in the works for you. 





Some people are determined to spoil everything.


Some artists are hosting on drives that have a password and change the password each month, messaging the current one to their patrons. I don't know if this is something you could do ? It is also a little tedious because of this maintenance action each month... But man, that's not cool to do that. I feel for you!

Ryan D

I never understood why people do this to hard working creators such as yourself. It’s such a dick thing to do. I gladly pay $20 a month because a) I like your content and b) I know this kind of work is not cheap. Do what you feel you need to do, Dusty. I will keep supporting you regardless


That's a thought. But it still runs up against the download thing. One they download, they can upload it wherever they want. :( Somebody here paid for access, for at least month, downloaded the vids, and then started putting them on free sites. I don't get it.

steve scibelli

We feel your pain. These folks have no idea how harmful it is to a business's ability to stay afloat and produce regularly. They probably don't give a shit, the bastards!!


Don’t mind the watermarks at all. Claim your work!!


I actually really hate how prominent the watermarks already are (Although there was almost none in the latest Willow clip). They are very distracting from the sexy action and characters. That being said, we are here to support you in any way we can. I hope you can figure out a way to watermark them other than the huge diagonal text you've been using. Sorry that people are so awful though and posting your awesome content out there for free. That sucks.


these kind of guys... they’ll just create an account to reap the money on other site. Shame on them.


On a positive note I and possibly others have often joined many pay sites after noticing free content on the web in order to help support the original content creator and give the finger to the pirates although when they cover the artist name it's harder to find the original artist site.


I bet! My gosh, the piracy thing must be a constant concern for you guys at Awefilms. (where everybody who subscribes to the MKU should go check out, btw....Awefilms is G-R-E-A-T.)


Thanks, I sure appreciate the kind words. I just wish I could ignore them as well as you, ha ha. I kills me every time I have to render those stupid things. :)


I am so with you, brother. I can't stand those things either. I know these are silly little weird fetishy niche videos, but one of the things that's kept my interest in making them all these years is actually the creative process; it's honestly the best part -- okay, ONE of the best parts -- of making these things. Part of my "real life/job" is centered on artistic creation, and having a "vision" for even something as essentially silly as these videos is important to me... and those damn watermarks aren't part of that vision. I swear, I little piece of me dies every time I put one on a completed video. The only person who hates them more than you is me, trust me. I just see few alternatives. I'll be trying some new things out on that front eventually. Making them more prominent will be the last resort, you have my promise on that.


That's true, too. Piracy has hurt individual Hollywood productions, but not really the business as a whole (although inflation has somewhat masked the trend of people not going to the movies as much, pre-Covid). It's devastated the music business though, although some say that was a flawed model to begin with (a CD costing 16.99 in 1990 is arguably outrageous -- I'm dating myself, ha ha). I am so, so glad for your support, and that of everyone else here. I can't say that enough!


I've recently alerted TKS Productions of the same issue with Pornhub and some Discord channels. FWIW, this stuff gets an immediate ban from our site (superwomenmania.com)


I'd expect nothing less from a class act over at the 'Mania. I love your guys' site - you're still sporting just about the only super/ubergirl fiction worth reading on the internet. Now that Wistan is gone (RIP, brother), there's not much new worth reading at the Valkyrie site. It's the same three people writing grammatically incorrect stories about stepmothers and aunts, over and over. (yuck). I keep meaning to draw up a promo package to post over at SWM for those who don't know about me, but I haven't had a chance to get around to it. TKS has a lot of potential; I just wish they'd change up their game a little. I'd kill to have a couple of their more buff gals stateside to do a video. The Brits have good taste; there seems to be a femdom hotbed over there in England. Keep up the great work over there, and thanks for the kind words over the years, SWM!


im sorry you have to go through this. i realize you have a lot of hard work into these videos and should be reimbursed for your time and effort


Thanks! The good news is that P-Hub is pretty good about taking them down. Filling out the forms is a bit of a pain, but at least there's an upside.


Well, P-Hub's surprise takedown of almost everything has made them less of an issue for me! (for now)