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Hi everyone. I'm battling a light case of food poisoning -- last night was pretty bad and I've been sick most of the day. I'm still getting scenes rendered, believe it or not, but it's slowing me down some. I'll still try to have the video up tonight, but it might get pushed to tomorrow if this fever doesn't let up. 



Hope you recover soon bro. Best wishes!

Ryan D

Hope you feel better! Don’t worry if you can’t get it ready until tomorrow. Take care of yourself first! We can wait!


All the best to you. Speedy recovery!

Gregg Hill

I remember what my recent case of shrimp poisoning was like, so your health comes first. Have a glass of flat or regular ginger ale on me and take it easy.


Thanks! Finally better today! Rendering a few extra passes of some scenes to kick it up a notch.


Any updates Dusty?