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  Hey all, apologies for the long radio silence, seems I can't catch a break these days. My job had a deadline for September which got pushed back... and back... and now the prospective end is February at the earliest. On top of that the chaos of Christmas, and then getting ill 3 different time between new year's eve and now... suffice to say I wanted to get more done, but my christmas comic I had planned just did not want to render in Daz. The idea was to end it in an orgy scene but alas that was not meant to be, at least not yet as I'm hoping to cop some better hardware. So instead I threw together this piece using my usual cast of characters. Not quite what I wanted to do but for a lesbian 7-way I think I could have done worse

  As you'll have noticed, the changes to tiers I discussed last year haven't taken affect. This is because for the reasons stated above, I'm not enough with the rate at which I'm getting content out to be comfortable making major changes to the format around here. Changes will come in time but I will give more forewarning and a clearer plan ahead of time. Happy new year to all of you, hope 2023 is a good one




Very sorry to hear about how end of 2022 went for you. Thank you for the update & the beautiful image! Also hope 2023 is a better year 🙏