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Hi all, important info coming up

As has been teased with my last few posts, I'm planning to change my Patreon, and general internet image. As part of this process I'll be taking a break from posting to sort myself out; some of you were already aware but the real world has kept me busy for close to a year now, initially my (non-remote) job taking up most of my week, then since April I had the struggle of finding a better one. I'm happy to say I've taken up some (SFW, non-public) game development work that isn't too demanding of my time. Because of the prior obstacle I've let myself get stretched too thin, struggling to deliver rewards in a timely manner whilst also failing to solidify many personal projects I wanted to work on. For the sake of brevity I'll put my plans into a list

1) Commission prices and Patreon tiers are going to increase. As it stands the money I make from private work and lower tiers doesn't pay me for the time spent as well as if I spent the same time working  a minimum wage job.

2) Moving forward I want to focus on writing and supplementing that with images, more likely illustrated prose than comic style to keep content more regular.

3) Collaborate more with other creators. I've done this a few times in the past, and it's something I've personally enjoyed, which leads into the next point...

4) Establish more grounding for original content. I'm still open to doing parody and R34 of existing IPs but I want to focus more on my OC, hopefully developing my own website to archive it, and if there's demand tie in a Discord server.

5) Post to new platforms. Be this paid platforms and free ones, since Tumblr fell apart the combo of Twitter/Patreon and the collective 2 years on Tumblr has not held anywhere near the audience that Pixiv has garnered despite me originally using it as just a backup. Additionally I'm aware many people have their issues with my current platforms and so I want to appease as broadly as I can

6) Reward changes. I don't know what form this will take yet but very few people ever come to claim the higher tier rewards so if there are suggestions on what would be preferred I'm happy to hear them.

7) Lastly, I'll be changing the name of my account. This mess of letters was funny over a decade ago when I decided to fuck with some Club Penguin player by stealing their absurdly obscure username on as many platforms as possible, but half the time even I don't remember it. I think I'll keep the F at least, so I'm not too hard to find.

Think that's everything, I intend to resume work in October, as Halloween is my favourite part of the year. My messages on all platforms are open as always, I may be slow to respond but bear with me


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