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Howdy folks, I don't make text posts half as often as I should. This is just going to be some quick points about what I've been doing and what I'm planning to do

- First off I've updated the Mega archives so that the higher tier one contains the same content as the $1 tier. This'll save people having to go through too many unnecessary links when trying to view them.

- SFM content: my general willingness to work with the software along with my satisfaction with its results are both waning. Moving forward I'm considering at posting SFM in alternating weeks with Daz content at the $1 tiers. Really just don't particularly like the restrictions of it any more, easy as it is to work in. This segways into the next point...

-What happened to the game? Well it's still an ongoing endeavour, albeit one that has greatly changed since its inception.  More will be posted later but ultimately what was once a Resident Evil inspired visual novel has transformed into a Sci-fi RPG. The graphics will now be produced in Daz rather than SFM, so no copyright issues come my way

-Finally, it's coming up to October, the month of Halloween and finally a decent justification to post the monster content I make every other month of the year anyway. Normally I put out some polls but since Tumblr got neutered and my outreach got crippled that seems like a less effective idea this year. Which means this year I'll be working on mostly my own volition, however I'll gladly take suggestions here, on Twitter and Pixiv


Archive:better, SFM:meh, Daz:good, game:different, spook:engaged



Daz sucks! Go for Blender.


I've considered it but honestly don't like it for more than a modelling tool. I prefer iRay over Cycles as a rendering engine, and working with rigs in Blender felt very counter intuitive