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On my other Patreon, Manyakis Games, game development has been really slow.
So while waiting, I decided to make fanarts in a form of cards. (They'll be used in the game I'm making)

These fanart cards will be distributed to various places, including this Patreon!
Here's how:

  • Public Twitter will get 400x800px card fanarts in both regular and nude versions.
  • ManyakisArt will get 1024x2048px card fanarts in both regular and nude versions.
  • ManyakisGames ($3 Tier) will get 1024x2048px card fanarts in all 4 versions (Regular, Nude, Big-Breasts, and Nude Big-Breasts) and gets to suggest who to draw for the fanart cards.
  • PSDs will only be distributed here. (But without the Large-Breasts versions)

Sounds confusing, so I made a chart to simplify:

If you're thinking it sounds like Manyakis Games is getting more benefits than Manyakis Art, that's because this chart only applies to the "Fanart Cards", which is related to the game being developed on Manyakis Games.

Any other GIFs or artworks that aren't game-related will be distributed here as always, with PSDs.

So if you're wondering why I'm telling you all this, it's because there are 9 fanart cards coming here! As seen above!




Finally !!❤️


Lmao I opened my emails and though “oooohhhhh look at ‘em gooooo! They’re killin it!”