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Micro stepson on your finger and spit on her and vore no pov


A "trashy" giant roleplay? Dirty soles, belches, rude, no manners. Maybe they find like a bachelorette party or a group of sorority girls to take back to the house to either be eaten or broken into new pets/slaves.


You're on a college athletic team (any sport) and you return from a meet/game. You're still in uniform/workout clothes and you throw your gym bag on the ground. You had made a bet with the other school’s captain that whoever lost had to be shrunk by the other team. You guys outplayed them handily and you fish out the tiny team from your gym bag. Now you get to physically dominate them even harder with your big muscles and sweaty body.


Also stealing this from DuckHudson but it's too good to not post again: a hungover giantess meets with her tiny lawyer to figure out exactly what crimes she committed when she drunkenly terrorized a city last night. Maybe a tiny courtroom scene where the giant is clearly over it but has to go through the charade anyway.


A tiny husband comes home from work to his giantess goddess wife. They are very much in love with each other, and the husband always goes out of his way to ensure his wife is happy, as does she. However lately the giantess wife has noticed her tiny husband coming home sad and seeming depressed. One day, she asks him what's wrong. Initially he's a little hesitant to say anything, but after she gently reminds him of how much she loves and cares for him, he says that all his tiny coworkers and managers of his tiny company have all been abusing him and making fun of him for having a giantess wife. They've started taking away important projects from him and giving him boring admin stuff he's over qualified for. He thinks everyone at his work are jealous of him in some way for having a beautiful giantess wife. But they've also been making fun of her and disrespecting her. And it's made the tiny husband feel very upset. He's angry at his tiny company, but he feels there isn't anything he can do because the job is important to him and he wants to be successful for his wife. His giantess wife listens and comforts him gently. She's upset to see him depressed and sad like this, but she also feels love for him when she hears he wants to defend her. She understands his position of not being able to speak out. She's also very angry at his tiny company and coworkers for both abusing him and disrespecting her. How dare tinies like them think they can disrespect a giantess goddess like herself! They make dinner together and go to bed together, the giantess wife encouraging her tiny husband to snuggle up against her. She suggests he take a sick day tomorrow and not go to work. He agrees and asks what she will do tomorrow. She says she has to get up and leave early and do some 'chores' outside the house. The next day the giantess wife goes to the tiny company. All the workers stare up at her in amazement, most of them have never seen a giantess before. She tells them who she is, and how dare they disrespect her and her husband. The tiny workers see her anger and begin to panic, and the giantess lifts up her bare foot and crushes a bunch of them. She continues to destroy the office and the tiny workers under her feet. She sees her husband's manager, who has been the worst out of all of them, and picks him up and describes how she is going to eat him, before dangling him over her mouth and dropping him in.


Step sister finds annoying brother shrunk around her socks, teases and then eats him to prove how much of a little “sh*t” he is by coming out the other end.


A giantess and a tiny are having an affair with each other, and during one of their dates, the giantess’ husband comes home, and she stuffs the tiny in her mouth to keep him hidden. She spits him out once they’re in the clear, but they get into an argument about how she nearly swallowed him, and how dangerous this affair is.


Good old fashioned handheld


Any mean/bratty giantess scenario would be great, especially if it ends in you swallowing the tiny :D


A giantess keeping a tiny prisoner in a cage/tiny cell and debating whether or not to eat them or keep them as a slave or let them go. Maybe not cruel but rather just addressing a prisoner who committed a crime (stealing a ring or something, or someone who’s been shrunk as punishment for some other crime). Maybe a medieval fantasy theme or something like that.

SĂ©bastien santin

A slow shrinking/humiliation video would be fun.


A video where you tape and tickle a shrunken mean person all over their body and then you eat them.