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The pace of nominations is beginning to slacken off, we have 51 different ladies out of a possible 64. Needles to say, many of those ladies have been nominated multiple times. But that also means some who hasn’t sent in their list still has a pretty good chance of getting most if not all of it into the Round of 64.

Meanwhile, from the mailbag, it’s ‘Questions and Answers’ time again.

Q: Can I submit my original character?
A: No. OC’s present unique issues in an event like this one, and so we have to exclude them. 🙁
Q: Do the characters have to be human?
A: I’ve gone back and forth with this one, but I’m going to say no they do not. That said, I don’t think the Queen from ‘Aliens’ has much of a shot.
Q: What if there are more ladies with the votes to get in, than slots remaining?
A: Then the selection committee (admittedly: me, myself and I) will consider the qualifying ladies for admittance based on their chances (in my opinion) to win the contest. - No, there are no remaining positions on the committee. ;)

That’s it for the news this week! Let’s keep those nominations flooding in, yes?





Do we send our nominations here or on a specific post?


Ah yeah sorry, just saw the announcement post, I'll go do that