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So, if you join the Legion, what do you get? Let me break it down for you, but first, allow me to introduce my lovely assistant, Sabine.

Ah, here she is. Just finishing your daily swim? Excellent! In any event, this is the "main" image, which is posted for all Legionnaires on Mondays. This is the full, high-resolution version which is posted nowhere else. If this is all you're looking for, then the Main tier is for you! It's also the most economical level. Plus, all Legion events are open to every Legionnaire, regardless of tier.

You want more? Then let's talk about Variant and Spice tiers.

First, Variant Legionnaires and up get a vote in the monthly poll, which is posted early every month, and affects the final series of the month. They get a direct say in the art I draw for everyone.

But, like the name implies, Variant grants access to several variations on the main image. So, what changes? Clothing, gear (if any), sometimes lighting and even elements of the character's pose on occasion. These are posted on Wednesdays and are the same resolution as the main image. Here's some samples. Sabine, if you wouldn't mind making some quick changes?

Breathtaking, my dear. Thank you. Variant posts are a minimum of seven new versions, but the record is over twenty. ;)

Of course, for the same price as Variant, you can opt for Spice. The only difference is the Spice tier gets an additional post on Fridays, containing images that, well, erm... how do I explain this? Wait, Sabine, what are you doing?

Woah! Sabine! I , ah... wow.  Anyway, as she has so spectacularly demonstrated,the Friday Spice post is somewhat, clothing optional. And there aren't any little Stigys blocking the view.

Lastly, there's the Commission tier, which is really something special.

What the Comm Tier is all about...

In addition to seeing everything the other tiers get, Commission Legionnaires get to request a custom, made-to-order piece of artwork. Each month you pledge at Commission tier, earns you another image. Here's some examples.

How It Works:

At the beginning of the month, I'll contact you via email, asking what you’d like. More detail is better than less. For fanart, I recommend you send links to images of all characters involved.

– Don’t assume I know who you’re talking about, I live under a rock. –

At each stage of the process:

  • When the lineart is complete
  • When the base colors are complete
  • When any shading is complete

I will send you a proof over email (I'll use the address attached to your Patreon account unless you specify another). You are free to request any changes you’d like at each stage, but once you’ve signed off on that stage, we cannot go backwards. For example, if we’re to the shading phase you can't change the pose you agreed to back at the lineart stage.

Things to Remember

By initiating the commissioning process, you agree to the following:

  • The image is of a single figure. If you want multiple figures in your image, discuss the idea with me, we will find a way to make it work (making it 1 month's commission per figure, or reducing the complexity of the second figure, etc.).
  • I’m not so good at drawing chibis or anthros, but I can give it a go.
  • Mecha and such are usually too complex for this tier. But if you want one, let's talk about options! :)
  • I will NOT draw Gore, Excessive Violence, Torture, or Hardcore Porn. Nudity and softcore is all right.
  • Unless you SPECIFICALLY ask me not to, I may post the finished piece on this  site, in or elsewhere. If you wish, I will flag a commission as “from  Anonymous” to protect your privacy. I don’t post everything I do (in  fact only about a quarter of it), and only post in galleries I own and  which fit the style of the piece.
  • While I will draw pictures of an adult nature, I will not break the laws of  my home country (the United States). So no pedophilia, or anything I  feel is to close to the line. I respect the commissioner’s rights to  feel differently, but I have to obey the law.
  • I respect everyone  who deals with me, and consider any commissioner’s request to be  personal and privileged. I don’t discuss them with other people. Ever.
  • All my delivered work will be in .jpg or .png format. I don’t provide access to my native working files.
  • My linework is vector based, but the coloring, and final images are raster  based. This means I do not recommend increasing or decreasing the final  image’s size. If you need a specific resolution, let me know and I will  work at that resolution.
  • My signature will be placed unobtrusively on every piece of commissioned art, and cannot be removed.
  • You, as the Commissioner, hold all rights to the finished piece for personal use. Commercial use of my images is possible with my permission, but is subject to other rights limitations and a different fee structure. I, as the Artist retain the right to display all images I create for promotional purposes as I see fit. However, if you want the commission to remain private, I will honor your wishes.


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