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Halfway through the middle month of the year (well, tomorrow anyway - today's the 14th). I thought I'd let you all know what was coming in the next two weeks.

(Spoiler: It's A LOT)

My favorite of the pics I made for Dev's Patreon launch drops on Monday. (Have you checked that out by the way? The stories are A BLAST. You can read the first one for free over here. That series will have actually have TWO Main Images in it, because I have a huge crush on the girl in question. Don't judge me. ;)

ALSO next Monday, you're all getting access to a special BONUS series that was a poll winner back a short while ago. Lena, the lady on the right in this week's series, gets her chance to shine solo!

Hmm, 'Solo' has a certain Star Wars-ish ring to it, so on the 27th, I'm debuting this month's poll winner, a tag team (figuratively) of Sabine Wren and Princess Kida!

July is already shaping up to be a heckuva month, even if it's only four Mondays long. So I'm giving you yet ANOTHER bonus series! The month's theme is "Heroes" and I couldn't do a month of superheroes without showing off my favorite Cub's fan turned pirate queen, Kitty Pryde!

But now, after all this, August seems kind of... flat. We need something to shake stuff up around here! What would you all like to see? Submit me some event ideas! I'll either pick the one I like best or slap together a poll. :)

-Pedal to the metal!


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