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There’s so much good stuff coming I just had to share!

  • The bonus Harley and Ivy series is just about finished, and will be posted the Monday after it’s ready. It will be available to ALL PATRONS regardless of Tier, including the Spice pics so be on the lookout! :)
  • The annual MAYHEM event begins March 1st! For the new folks, it works like this: All patrons get to name a character for the weekly series. They can suggest outfits and situations at that time, and I’ll try to honor as much of it as I can. The first FOUR people to make their suggestions will see them during the month of May, the rest will be sprinkled in here and there throughout the rest of the year.
    So, start thinking about who you want to see! Then, March 1st, let me know who you’ve decided on.
  • SPEAKING of the weekly series, I’m looking at what’s on tap for the next few months and it’s really, pretty dang awesome. March’s them is “Dive into Discovery” and is going to include: Clover from “Totally Spies”, Cassandra from Soul Calibur as I’ve never drawn her before, a fashion show from my OC Courtney, and my first time ever drawing Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. April, is a cross promotion with a friend of mine, featuring the characters of their new sci-fi romp “Rangers on the Rim”(which is fantastic by the way) and then in May, well… That’s up to you folks, isn’t it? ;)


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