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William Duan

I have no idea why I didn't find your work earlier, but now that I did, I know I'm here to stay. It is pointless to praise perfection, yet I must do so regardless. The range is unlike anything I have seen - from the boxing ring with padded gloves to fight club with razor-sharp claws, from gym hard girl to buxom librarians, and everything is portrayed in all its bloody glory. The actions are visceral yet sensual, the physiques are muscular yet still distinctly feminine, every struggle is a desperate, even battle of will and skill, each unique in its own way. I'll definitely be keeping a close eye for all your future work~~ Also, any thought on some fantasy battle? A vampire vs werewolf fight, as cliche as it is, does sound pretty good (or just a nun vs succubus fight as portrayed here).


Hmm, I'll try .... The main thing is to hear feedback)))


I want to show more sexuality in the next fight


now that would be awesome xD

William Duan

that sounds like a great idea (so succubus vs nun in exorcist setting?)