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It has been my knowledge that there are users who are/were my patrons who are dedicating themselves to post the exclusive content that I publish here on social media. Although I cannot prevent people from doing that if they want to, I adhere to the good faith of the people who support me on this platform.

I have never been and will never be in favor of attacking or harassing anyone. It is very sad to see how there are people who try to damage in any way possible the image and the work of a person, by quarrels and hatreds based solely on something as simple as personal opinions regarding a cartoon.

I ask that if you see exclusive Lentai content from my Patreon published on other sites, please report it with the corresponding link to the respective illustration in my gallery on PIXIV.


Infinite thanks for your support.


Ha sido de mi conocimiento que hay usuarios que son/fueron mis mecenas que se están dedicando a publicar en redes sociales el contenido exclusivo que publico aquí. Si bien no puedo impedir que gente haga eso si así lo quieren, me apego a la buena fe de las personas que me apoyan en ésta plataforma.

Nunca he estado ni estaré a favor de atacar ni acosar a nadie. Es muy triste ver cómo hay gente que  intenta dañar de cualquier forma posible la imagen y el trabajo de una persona, por rencillas y odios basados únicamente en algo tan simple como las opiniones personales respecto a una caricatura.

Pido por favor que si ven contenido Lentai exclusivo de mi Patreon publicado en otros sitios, lo reporten con el correspondiente enlace a la imagen en cuestión en mi galería en PIXIV.


Infinitas gracias por vuestro apoyo.




Your loyal followers are here to help you as well, don’t worry cause there’s a lot of people who wants to care of you!! We will support you Len in any case 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Ok. Asi lo haré


That sucks.

Cristina De Sanromà

Hay gente que no tiene principios 😞 Si lo veo, reporto!


What the hell why do they do this!? We love you Len


This is so extremely rude and breaking of trust, holy shit! Why are people like this :( ~ I'm so sorry you have to go through this shit, Len! We who are loyal will always support you the way you deserve it! 💕💕🙏🙏


It's so wrong to do that to you. 🥺😡 I'll keep my eyes more open for those now, I just hope they would stop doing that and respect you more with it. Grrrr.


How disgustingly rude! I'll keep my eyes posted as well. We all appreciate and love your work and dedication!


I'm so sorry Len, I have seen this happened to you before, It's rude and disgusting. I love your work and I support you no matter what. I purchase your work to support your talent. People can be awful


É incrível como existem pessoas que não respeitam os artistas, quer fazer algo?pessa permição!! Mande um e-mail, e peça, simples, é por isso que muitos artistas desistem de fazer sua arte. Força Len, pq teus fã verdadeiros jamais te prejudicariam.😘😘😘

Karina Martins

I’m so sorry how all this is happening to you!! I’ll be sure to report it!!


I'm so sorry you are having to go through this! I will report anything I may see!


I believe that this is an issue that I've thankfully not seen. I also have to give credit to the many pages that post your work and give credit + link back to you. Try not to let a few jerks get you down. ❤


Will do. I love your content and follow you on Facebook and Instagram as well. Will notify accordingly if I see anything Patreon related 👍🏽


We love you dear, hope you’re feeling better, and yes we got your back! NO POSTING OF LEN’s WORKS, or ANY other who doesn’t okay it FIRST! GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE, when ya do post others’ works (ONLY if they’ve said it is okay FIRST)!!! Try not to let those who are senseless get ya down, Dear Len! 💕🥺🥰


Forgive me if I’m off-base (someone correct me, pls?) but I think she doesn’t want it posted either way, even with credit. I think she’s said that before somewhere, but can’t remember.... Just explaining for those who don’t understand (I was one who “thought better” at one time, until it was explained to me - though I don’t remember reposting art, I didn’t get it)! Although I can see it as a good marketing/promotion thing to post with credit/links, I can also understand how it can draw people away from becoming Patrons (take $ out of an artist’s pocket) if they think they can get exclusive art for free “eventually.” I know many ppl who would repost, thinking they’re helping to promote her, BUT, they can still promote her/use word-of-“mouth” WHILE respecting her choice — by just not including the exclusive art! 💕💖👍 Again, sorry for ranting! I totally agree with your final sentiment!!! (& your general comment in other artists’ cases, when they’ve given permission to repost!)


Definitely will report, not cool to the people who actually subscribed for your exclusive work!


people are so despicable!! i'm bookmarking this post so i know exactly where to report any lentai content outside of patreon!


Will report if I ever see it. I love and appreciate your work and it's awful to see people taking advantage of it.


I have been at fault then, I posted in another private discord forum a picture of such restriction. As a reference for another's couple pose. I shall find this image and erase it! THANK YOU!