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Wasn't sure what title to go with, so I ended up going with this  :P

Before I get into everything, I do want to make note of something very sad I became aware of last week. It would appear the model Kristyna Martelli has passed away from suffering a seizure during a surgical procedure on April 18th...

Having worked with her on a collaboration piece modeling her in 3d which I posted a few months back, and having spoken to her on and off since then, this is just some rather unnerving news to find out so out of the blue. Kristyna was a gorgeous girl with extravagant tastes in aesthetics, and further more was a very sweet woman to me during the short time I knew her through our work conversations.

Suffice it to say I will cherish the short time I knew her as a kind human being, and the amazing aesthetics she worked so hard at achieving.

I really strive hard to keep things light hearted around here, but I did feel I needed to at least write a few lines in her memory.


So, this month brought its own set of challenges and rewards. The biggest hurdle I came across has been one I've dreaded for a while: hardware failure.

In this case, my main hard drive has been taking its last gasps of digital life, causing freezes, crashes, slowdowns, and overall becoming a nightmare when it came to getting anything done. I've had to restart production almost on a daily basis, having to redo a bunch of renders while I mitigated the fallout. These issues started popping up back in January, but I chalked it up to me just slamming the computers with heavy scenes and big renders that can sometimes cause system instability until I ran into some blue screens and other device errors.

Good news though, I have a tech coming this week to replace the drive, and at the same time I will be upgrading to SSD for speeding things up.

On the speed side, I figured it was a good a time as any to push through some other upgrades. On that note, I'll be upgrading my video cards to 1080 tis, which will hopefully further allow me to enhance and speed up production (your patreon dollars at work ^^), as well as increase scene complexity further!

With these upgrades and fixes, I'm also hoping the chance at animation will become something more achievable, I'm definitely itching at putting the new hardware to test as soon as I get it installed!

Going back to work production, I also have some VR friendly pieces set in sight. While not something that everyone has access to just yet, I do want to try to make something that at least works for google cardboard and the like, specially since I found some apps that allow for content to be uploaded to phones to view in VR. More details on that soon.

Continuing to think on content, I think it's time to set up another poll for everyone to vote on what girls and other stuff you'd really like to see next. And hey, no more wonky google forms polls, since Patreon finally has a poll option!

Hey, thinking about the poll option... it may be time to do another people's choice transformation story like I initially did with Becky quite a while back, where polls are put up every set amount of time for you all to vote on, and the popular choices are applied to the new girl. Could be fun, I think!

And, last but not least, the Emi doll is really, really close to the first final prototype being ready. So hopefully this month I'll have some videos and photos to share :)

Oh, on a last, last note. I want to remind everyone that the option to submit ideas for production is still a reward tier that we've already been at for a while. So, regardless of your tier, if you have an idea you'd like to see made with one of the girls, post it or private message it to me! I'll pick a new one at the beginning of each month to work on.

That's it for now. Thank you all for your support!




I really liked the colalbs you did with her. Such sad news about Kristyna :'( RIP


Too bad to hear about what happen, but im glad you shared it with us and hope the new hardware will be helpfull! VR pictures as well as animations would be awesome to see more of in the future and i cant wait to vote on the pool! :)


Idea for the patreon milestone... Point of view shot from beneath Suki/Fuki/Alice's desk at Phabfarma. Doll is dressed in suit and skirt with panties pulled down to ankles. She is blackmailing the viewer into getting her off. Caption might be something along the lines of: "Well you'd best get to work, unless you want Dr. Montgomery finding out you've been fooling around with our test subjects. You know how protective he is of his precious Dolly."