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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to give you all a heads up I returned to my place earlier this week, thankfully everything was unscathed aside from some harsh rains.

So, back to work! My only gripe with this whole thing was that it set me back a bit on production, but I'll be working on making sure content is up by the end of the month as usual, all in all it could've been much worse :)

Thanks to everyone who commented and wrote their support during this time, always glad to hear from all of you.

- bd



Good to see your back. I hope your place is ok


Ok, I know this is going to sound like bitching, but it's not really bitching, IMO....simply a suggestion? I LOVE the work that you do....each and every one of the dolls is a sight to see, providing niche fetishists like your followers a delight to the eyes. But the one thing I would suggest is maybe like a once a week...or even once every other week WiP or just a teaser as to what we can expect in the upcoming pack, depending on our tiers. Just to let us know 'Hey, I'm not dead, this is what I've got in the works' Kinda gives us a chance to say "Wow, loving the work so far, can't wait to see the end results, or give critiques along the way. I can't think that I'm alone in this, but in case I am, then I'll just suck it up and continue to enjoy you work as it gets released at the end of the month. Just my 2c. And keep up the good work!


Hi Scales, Thanks for the feedback! I know I'm sometimes prone to disappear and get my head stuck in the work, but I'll try to give you guys more updates :)