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Starting up the 'Life as Emi' blog, now on Patreon! With my co-writer back on board, I'm glad to bring you this latest chapter.

I'm standing in my bathroom, staring at my naked reflection, eyeing every inch of my skin with scrutiny as I thought about yesterday... I should have been sore.. tired...unable to sit properly I'm sure.. yet I felt perfectly fine, but still the hazy and slightly fuzzy memories came back in small bits and pieces...

I grabbed my breasts,lifted them, eyeing them through narrowed eyes as i turned left and right in the mirror as if hoping to see some sort of sign that I wasn't entirely crazy and I hadn't hallucinated the whole thing. Nothing… they didn’t look any bigger, did they? Still nice and firm, with just a tiny bit of yield… yet,something kept gnawing at the back of my head, this odd feeling I couldn’t really place.

I ran my hand over my flat stomach, I couldn't look down to see it after all with all this cleavage in the way, so I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a moment before a smirk slid across my face, I could definitely remember it stretching like taffy... my guests, already long gone before the sun had come up... I couldn't quite remember who was where, whose hands belonged to whom... I just know that I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it, every inch of them - as the minutes and hours flew by.

I shook my head gently, freeing myself from the thought, I bit my lower lip as i gazed over my petite figure once more, knowing it wasn't any larger than usual (much to my disappointment) So was it a really good dream? Or had I just had far too much to drink the night before and my imagination had gotten the better of me?

I do know that i found myself craving for more of it, both of them, fantasy or not… my body felt onfire like i was being electrocuted and yet i found myself enjoying it, wanting more of it even, my skin was like a live wire, greedy for their touch. A jumble of hands, and mouths, breasts and cocks.

My knees trembled at the thought, remembering how it felt - my body stretched out around their cocks, defying all sorts of logic and reason - I still couldn't figure out how this was even possible... So much of the night was so fuzzy and I couldn't seem to remember large chunks of it...

It was a typical night of work, I finished in the early hours of the morning as usual... changed out of my work clothes and then headed out back to go home for the night. Jack had stopped me on my way out, blocking the door with his massive size alone.

I asked him what he wanted, I was tired, maybe a little horny, and a little bit tipsy and I just wanted to go home.

‘A repeat’ he said,just like like. blunt, and I rolled my eyes.

I walked the short 15 minute route home and collapsed into my apartment, grunting as I hit the shower, not knowing when Jack was going to show up, always so demanding and unpredictable. I had loved to stand there under the hot water until I grew gills, but Ifinallyturnedoff the shower and stepped out, wrapping myself in a warm fluffy towel, wandering to my bedroom and noticing the sun had already come up. Dressed only in a thong and loose tank, i heard a quiet rap against my door, I sighed heavily yet still slightly anxious as I walked the length of the apartment quickly, not wanting my neighbors to see him standing out there and asking too many questions - I pay for my privacy and peace.

As I opened the door I noticed a girl with him (or did she come later? I’m not sure… ), I narrowed my eyes. I wasn't aware another person was part of the deal. But I let her in anyways, I thought I recognized her, although barely, it felt like I had seen her briefly before, somewhere... but I couldn't recall where exactly.

I guess I decided new friends were never a bad thing because I remember letting them both in... and to be honest, she was really cute, and her breasts were huge! I offered drinks,and being that I hadn't really sobered up much from earlier it only added on to my nearly inebriated state.

I licked my lips, examining my features in the mirror, letting out a long breath... why had I let them in? I was already tired, and he was always so pushy, so demanding... and yet... I had still let him in. Maybe that's what I really wanted all along...?

it seemed like a couple hours had gone by, talking and drinking, my coffee table quickly filling up with empty bottles of whatever i had in the fridge.

It wasn't long before Jack was leaning his massive body closer to mine, He was close enough that I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he kissed me - pressing his sloppy mouth against mine, his huge hands tightly gripping my breasts; and I could feel her at my back, her hands creeping around my belly, grabbing at my tanktop and pulling it up; Jack moving away for only a fraction of a second as she pulled it up over my head exposing my bare breasts to him…

I blinked, looking back into the bathroom mirror. Had these things happened as I recalled them, and who was that girl? I mean, he spends almost all his time at the club, and I don’t remember ever seeing her working there, or even visiting it… as I thought harder about her, I caught myself caressing my neck where I had felt her lips, my fingers brushing across the underside of my breasts where her hands had been, my skin flushed pink at the heat of the flash of memory. I smiled,shaking my head as my hand moved over the round curve of my breast and across my nipples, closing my eyes again...

Somewhere between that and Jacks mouth on my nipples i noticed she moved away, but hardly able to pay much attention as he grabbed my hair, holding me still as he continued to tease my tits; it wasn't until I felt a pinch that I realized she was kneeling in front of me, a filled syringe in hand (filled with what though? Was that liquid glowing?), sticking its needle deeply into my right nipple. I gasped softly,suddenly fearing for my implants being punctured, feeling a tingle spread rapidly over my breast’s flesh as she pushed down on the plunger, my skin tightening as my tit swelled slightly. And then Jack joined in with another syringe,repeating the procedure on my left breast, both of them continuing to pump me up,one filled syringe at a time… it all seemed to happen so fast, but I felt..well, not that much different, to be honest, but maybe it was the alcohol that prevented that. Did they really fill up my breasts with some weird fluid? It doesn’t even make sense…

The buzz of my phone brought me back and I blinked back to reality, shaking away the memory, still a bit confused and hazy. Late nights and early mornings hardly go well together.

A photo message, and more kept coming in... I stared at it for a long moment, it was of me and her, except it confirmed my suspicions. I knew that some of what had gone on wasn't possible, I think... how did my chest and belly stretch out like that? And the girl… she wasn’t a normal girl at all… and how is it even possible to be that big?! .... I thought for a moment longer, my eyes glancing upward to the ceiling.

I wasn't sure when the clothes had been misplaced, but I was aware of our very naked bodies on my bed...she was pressed up against my back her hands pushing me forward as jack grabbed my hips and propped me up, I followed his lead almost eagerly now, it was warm in my apartment, like someone had turned off the AC on me... I blinked the thought away, following jack as he backed away, pulling me with him, she was still at my back, following us, i swallowed hard, full of nervous excitement when i felt her grab my shoulders and press herself up against me; and that was when I realized that I gotten more than i bargained for, so to speak, when I felt her press and push ever harder, feeling her massively throbbing against my nethers, and, uncontrollably I moaned, eager for her, I wasn't even embarrassed or scared by the impossibility of it all, I just wanted them both.

Looking up at Jack, my eyes must have told him what was on my mind because he grabbed my hair again, tugging on it as he guided my face to his massively large cock, i eagerly opened my mouth, taking in as much as I could, which wasn't much; i found myself suckling slowly on the tip of him as she thrust into me. I don’t think my mind could logically register it, she just couldn't be that big,not as big as Jack at least... the sensation was indescribable, my mind sent into an orgasmic jumble that just made me needier, more eager...

I noticed I had deeply blushed as I remembered all this, my cheeks and earlobes aflame as I caught myself sighing. I walked out of the bathroom and crossed my apartment, I was already going to be late… and Jack just keeps texting me these pictures which aren’t helping me one bit, they’re just way too distracting and are making me even more nervous.

When I passed the control panel for the AC I looked at it curiously... the AC was never touched... huh... I turned as I felt my phone go off again in my hand, my back resting against the wall as I stared at it... I don't remember what happened after I had jack filling my mouth... but I guess he at some point managed to get these photos, I bit my lip, my free hand raising to rub at the side of my neck, suddenly adjusting my top for the 100th time..

Like usual, I'm late to be somewhere, ugh.

But, let’s just say I'm having lunch with a new friend, and she's got some explaining to do...

- Emi




Very glad to see a return the story of Emi's journey. I really enjoyed Emi's blog & I do hope you can make this a regular thing on here. Just wanted to suggest maybe given that Emi's blog in the past was visible to all your followers, would you consider making it public? You might even get more patrons that way.

soren larsen

I really hope she gets pumped really really big in the next chapther really think emi 2 was relly hot seing her get bigger 👍😄


Any chance to go back to a blog format, like that a lot more. Keep up the great work