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For those of you not on discord (or who just follow this patreon), I'm sad to notify you all that my mother has passed away over the weekend after her battle with metastatic lung cancer.

The complications that arose in the final weeks were deemed to be caused by leptomeningeal disease, or in layman's terms, the cancer had spread to her cerebrospinal fluid. After she opted for hospice the disease advanced very rapidly, and her neurological deterioration quickly ramped up from general mobility issues to soon having to become bedridden, to complete mental decline to the point she could no longer communicate or move at all.

Her breathing gave out on saturday afternoon, and I was with her to the very last to ensure all proper medications were administered to mediate her suffering as much as possible.

The last few days have been, to put it simply, completely surreal. Like stepping on a landmine and not being fully aware half your limbs are just not there anymore, her absence is coming as something of a complete shock. Even knowing of the eventual outcome rationally, having to experience it firsthand after being with her every day since April, it is still incredibly hard to face.

I am left as her sole executor of her estate. As such, the coming weeks are going to be very busy as I prepare all the legal things related to the passing of a loved one. I've already contacted an attorney to assist me in this matter, as the task feels enormous.

For the time being, I must pause work on v_08 until i get the ball rolling with my attorney next week. I will continue work afterwards as time allows (as I have mentioned before, diving into production is quite a bit of a welcome respite from these matters), but I currently cannot guarantee a timely release of v_08 until I go over the entire process with my attorney, so expect an update with a tentative release date sometime after Nov. 3rd, so please adjust your pledges accordingly if you so need to.

Finally, I want to reach out to all of you who support/have supported me in the past, specially during this last year. Your patronage of my work allowed me to work while being able to still be by my mother's side throughout her ailment and eventual decline, to the very end. This has meant the world to me, and I sincerely cannot express beyond this words just how amazing you've all been with your support, and just how thankful I am of having had this opportunity.

On the work spectrum looking into v_08, Sadie and Alice are getting revamped since they will be featured in some upcoming work, Emi and Fuki's Skimpy Seductions will continue, and pieces/small sets in the spirit of the Halloween season will be included, with a big emphasis on Angels and Demons. More on that to come soon.

That is all for now, thank you all.

- bd 



Take all the time you need. We're all sorry for your loss.

Dirk Gently

I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies. Hang in there.


So sorry for ur loss! Condolences and prayers for ur family! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Condolences, take your time


Our condolences man, take your time, we will be always supporting you!

Andy M

My condolences. Take the time you need and wishing you courage at this time.


Mate, take all the time you need. Nobody is ever prepared for something like that.


You don't need to concern yourself about us or any sort of deadlines. Take all the time you need and handle it however you need to. Get your life in order and give yourself time to grieve and process it all. We will continue to be supportive and remain patiently waiting by you, for however long it takes.


Take your time, bro.


Sad news. I hope you will have enough strength to recover from this loss. Take care!


So sorry for your loss 💖


My deepest condolences on the loss of your mother. May she rest in peace. 🙏


Really sorry for your loss 😔😔 take the time you need


Sorry for your loss, take all the time you need 😔


Take all the time you need. She'll always live on in your heart.


I'm so sorry to hear this. Focus on yourself right now.

Brittany Bovine

I'm sorry for your loss, hun! Please, don't be afraid to reach out if you need any help!


I condole with you in your grief. Just try to hold on and keep on living. Good luck in resolving all property issues


sorry for your loss man! DM is always open.


I'm so sorry man, you've probably heard it enough but she is at peace now. Take all the time you need.


Take your time, we know that it’s a difficult time for you. Don’t rush, we can wait


Sorry to hear about this; but, with your posts over the past months, it's not surprising. But, knowing what's coming doesn't make it all that much easier to live thru. Extremely hard to go through what you have. I know. I lost my own mother to Alzheimer's, and that took an extended period of time. Very difficult to watch your mother decline. She could not have asked for a better son. You were there, beside her when she needed you most. Well done. As you've discovered, some days are fairly clear, even sun-shiny, other less so. Some much less so. You're wise to secure an attorney. Keep on going. It is, after wall, what she would want. No parent wants to be a burden to their offspring, and that you willingly accepted this burden made her journey thru all this less painful. Hold onto this. I know prayer works, and I will be in prayer for you for these days. You're an excellent artist; you have a gift, and you've developed it. Despite any conflicted feelings about your Balloondolls work (or, perhaps, not), I know that she is proud of you. Any parent would be.


Sorry for your loss, You need death Certificate & file will with Prothonetary office in your local County office of whatever state. My father passed 5 years ago and my brother lost everything in his estate by not paying taxes or mortgage. I feel aweful about that. Take care