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Jessica's used to getting what she wants, that much is clear.

And as time passes, her obsession with her enormous breasts more than surpasses her already mind-blowing proportions. As it stands, she can barely feel her implants anymore inside her massive mounds of titflesh, the sensation replaced with something... new.

As unreal as her transformed nipples have become, it doesn't even seem to faze her, as the pleasure she derives from them easily clouds any more coherent thoughts that may attempt to surface within her mind.

And so, we find Jessica yet again in her doctor's office, much to her physician's excitement. He knows exactly what she wants: more of that shimmering serum he's been doling out to her for an extravagant price, with the added benefits a lusty, buxom blonde can procure in terms of gratitude for a fix.

Hmm, now how does that song go? Ah yes...

The doc softly hums the rhyme to "If you've got the money, then I've got the honey" to himself as he strides into the examination room where Jessica eagerly awaits for him, knowing full well the conversation she will be bringing up in the next few minutes...

note: while this and another shot in the ultrapack are just a bit of a test, I liked the concept enough to give it a bit of story, so I'll probably be exploring it further ;)




Excellent story you've added here. I'm all for reading more as you go.


Thanks Ben! I know I've been rather lax in writing in the past few months, but I want to get back into the rhythm of expanding the girls' storylines as much as I can :)


Jess has always been a favorite. And I've always loved your stories that accompany pieces. I like how the girls progress seemingly in real time. Any idea yet on where her growth (both physically and as a character) is headed? Care to give us a hint? Or is it more of a tune in next time? Also, any plans to restart Emi's blog?


Let's leave it at a tune in next time for now ;) As far as Emi's blog, I think that the blog as it is has run its course. With that being said though, I do want to continue the blog's style of storytelling, so the only difference will be you'll be seeing the entries on patreon, instead of an outside blog.

Darth Cabbage

Jessica in about as "casual" clothing as she could possibly get. She looks sexy in everything!