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Hello everyone!

Despite delays, ver.03 packs are now available :)

Thank you al for your patience, this is something of a tough time where I need to lend my support to my mother whenever possible. All I'd like to say in respect to this currently is to thank you all for the support, kind words, well wishes, and just being around during this time. In times like these, even if you're just lurking, I want you to know I appreciate it a lot.

Work went a bit all over the place this month, so emi and fuki have to wait a little longer to really get it on. This month, however, I want to make it the main attraction for this work cycle with poll pinups rounding out the release.

On other random things, I stumbled into a little AI image site called Artbreeder. Long story short, you can throw faces at it (and some other things like scenery), and you can then work with the AI to create whole new faces or different styles of the original.

So of course, I had to throw something at it! Have a look at Cali and Emi after being run through this interesting process:

Crazy, right? 

I think this tool will be great for creating new characters, or perhaps even remaking some of the current cast ^^ 

If you'd like to play with it yourself, check out artbreeder.com 

That's about it for now, I'll be putting up the polls for ver.04 shortly. For now, I hope you enjoy ver.03!




Misty F.

Cali looks great and Emi is damn near spot on.

Brittany Bovine

Both of them look great! Can you do the same for all the girls?


Damn Emi looks almost like an actual photo!


This looks incredible.