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I wanted to update everyone on the upcoming ver.03 content packs, which will be released on May 7th due to further complications with my mother's condition.

This month has been trying, and I've had to take considerable breaks in between work to care for my mother through a few procedures and medication adjustments. I don't want to go into too much detail, but suffice it to say I will be moving in with her to better assist her in the following days. I will be shacking up in a spare room where I can continue my work and still be on call (will be better than driving back and forth constantly).

In the meantime, I didn't want to leave you guys high and dry, so I'm attaching a few images from the upcoming sets. Still quite a bit to get through renderwise (I'm at around 60% through the stuff I have set up for rendering).

On an additional note, for those of you who are pledging for the short term, do keep in mind content packs for the month you've pledged to are sent out via DM as soon as they're ready, regardless of whether you continue your pledge for the next month or not. Just wanted to leave this as a heads up since release dates are kind of spilling over into the next month's patreon billing due to my current circumstances.

For now, I hope you guys enjoy the previews, thanks for all the support :)

- bd



Misty F.

Wait, is Jess plugged with vials of Neredyl? Is that... safe? Also excited for new Becky stuff and I am loving how fit both Denise and Emi are looking here. I wonder how things will go when their plotlines inevitably cross, like at a FabPharma function or something like that. More importantly though, don't push yourself too hard. I, for one, would not mind a mid-month booster of content for a little while if it helped take off some of the stress.