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Good news everyone!

The 2021 v.2 packs are finally out, although I have a feeling you've already noticed, and I hope you enjoy them ^^

Along with the artwork, v.2 brings along some technical updates I'm rather happy about. '

First off, the rather constant work on skin materials has led me to what I think to be the best formula I've concocted to date. Considering the amounts of flesh present in most images, I'd say this is a pretty great update :D

Second off, I've been working at detailing and improving breast texturing quite a bit as of late, and this month I'm happy to begin rolling out texturing in 8k resolution, bringing forth an extra level of realism to the rather unreal (or at least legendary) sets of orbs most of the cast sport on their heaving chests. Still polishing values here (sometimes things get a little too HD and pores pop a little too much), but I think you'll be able to notice the difference in detail at a glance ;)

On other developments, I've started to finally begin to get acquainted more with Blender. This month, I took some time to go over the rather popular donut tutorial to learn a few basics in the program. I gotta say it wasn't as daunting as I had expected, and I'm pretty excited to learn a little more each month until I feel I can move production fully out of daz (and perhaps even work more in cycles — blender's native physically based renderer — as well). If for any reason you'd like to check out the simple donut scene work I did, I'm attaching a short animated vid of it below.

Finally, I'd like to thank you all for your patience with v.2's release, and a very special thanks to everyone who's sent well wishes and positive vibes regarding the health of my mother. In these moments of uncertainty and dread, there's some comfort to be had from a little bit of kindness.

Moving on to work for v.3, polls will be coming out shortly, so stay tuned!

As always, thank you all for the continued support, and onwards to v.3!

- bd



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