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"To summarize the lab reports, all the test subjects have been retrieved from the containment chamber and administered reversion treatments..." Dani recited while quickly scanning files in her tablet, "... Dr. Krieger seems very enthusiastic about the whole thing, actually. 'Truly momentous advancements have been gleaned from an otherwise catastrophic endeavor', in his own words."

Nicholas Montgomery smiled softly as he peered out onto the city, "Glad to hear the old doctor is pleased, he's much more amenable when his mind is churning with possibilities."

His gaze flicks to his personal assistant momentarily, a cue for her to continue her report.

"Right," Dani nods, "So by all accounts, all three subjects appear to have been... enhanced... by their interaction with the Nereid biomass. Tissue generation, growth, proliferation... nereid-rich fluid production, even transformational flexibility... all factors appear to have been super-boosted by whatever processes the subjects underwent throughout their, um, 'interactions' with the biomass."

Dani stopped for a moment, arching her back and rolling her shoulders backwards to relax her muscles. She was still getting used to the increased weight of her latest set of implants, her nipples still sore from Nicholas' careful dosing and administration of Nereidyl injections. As was usually the case, a bored Nicholas without off-the-books access to the test subjects usually meant his attention would drift back to Dani, and while she welcomed the attention (and subsequent modifications to her body), a part of her still jolted in trepidation as she read these reports.

If I ever was in the position of these women... the things they've gone through sound so freakish, yet so thrilling... 

She bit her bottom lip softly as she gathered her thoughts. Don't freak out, Dani. You're way more useful to him as his PA over just a hyper expanded fucktoy. Still... would be so nice...

She cleared her throat, becoming fully aware Nicholas was glancing her way again, his eyes drifting down to her exposed cleavage before regarding her with a single raised eyebrow at her brief pause.

"So... the reports go on to detail all the specifics for each of the subjects involved. Overall, it looks like they're in stable enough condition to resume their previous activities..." she continued, raising her chin slightly as she returned Nicholas' gaze, "I assume you will want Miss Jessica returned to your chambers?"

"No," he replied flatly, "Not yet, at least. Leave her in the recovery sector for the time being... I have a visitor for her that I am sure she will be thrilled to see."

Dani snorted with an amused grin, "Ah, the dancer? I'm sure they'll have a lot of fun together!" she looks at Nicholas in curiosity, "So are you planning on keeping her in the facility, now that she's gone through all this?"

He shrugged as he looked back out through the massive window overlooking the city, "Not quite, she and Dyna can return to the Pachyderm after she's been cleared by Krieger if she's stable enough."

Dani nodded, "On to other matters. there's the issue of—"

At the other length of the executive office, the entrance door swung open with an audible hiss, giving Dani pause as a latex-clad, all-too-human Alice sumptuously strode in. The skin tight suit painted over her curves glistened with her every move as she fluidly paced towards them.

Dani's eyes widened slightly as she noticed what the chaotic girl held in her gloved right hand.

With a heavy, wet slap, Alice tossed the tentacled chunk of Nereid biomass onto the spacious table in the center of the chamber, as if in greeting. She smiled coldly at Dani, then turned her attention to Nicholas without saying a word, striking a pose that challenged the physics of her unzipped bodysuit from just fully sliding off her half exposed breasts.

Nicholas pursed his lips, "Ah, she returns," he said as he turned around to face the new arrival, "A fugue state, Alice, really?" he crossed his arms, "That's the excuse you gave to the psych team to... justify all this mess?"

Alice grinned widely, sliding over onto the table, "It worked, didn't it?" she said as she sat on the edge, facing Nicholas.

"Good enough for the reports, but you do realize I personally instructed Dr. Callahan to not throw you into a padded cell. do you not?"

"Sounds comfy," Alice teased, planting both hands behind herself as she leaned back on the table and gyrated her hips lewdly as she stared Nicholas down, "More cushion for the pushin', right?"

Nicholas rolled his eyes, "Leave it to you  to make light of a full blown N-Class event..."

Alice stopped her alluring motions, adjusting her position to her side as she regained her seat on the brushed metal table, "Why not? It's what you wanted, right?" she raised her right hand in a mock-military salute, "Just following your carefully laid out orders, SIR!"

Dani's eyes widened, looking to Nicholas. Wait, what...?

Nicholas walked over to Alice, regarding her with an unreadable expression. His attention turned to the chunk of biomass, the tentacle seemed to still quiver and writhe slightly as it flopped on the table's surface. He reached towards it and picked it up, turning his hand side to side as he slowly examined it.

He finally broke his silence, "You did well, I'll admit," he said, "I'm not sure just how you came upon the conclusion that Zero could be manipulated into becoming this biomass, but by all accounts it seems you have provided me with the means to not only boost the capabilities of existing subjects, but create new ones as well from reconstituted tissue..."

Alice beamed, "That's right, just feed our fleshy friend some meat and it'll print out all the production units you want!" she raised an eyebrow as Nicholas momentarily winced at the word 'meat', "Oh, don't like me referring to your ex-lab techs like that, huh?"

Nicholas' brow furrowed, "A necessary sacrifice."

Her eyes narrowed, "Just like your Wayland boys," she hissed, the mirth in her voice completely gone, "They were delicious."

His eyes fixed upon hers with a steely gaze, "You didn't have to kill them, you know. That's months of research and training down the drain."

"They shot at me," she snapped back, "just be glad I kept enough of your General intact for you to regenerate him."

Nicholas placed the writhing appendage back on the table, "Come now, a few bullets never slowed you down before," he smiled apologetically, a mocking glint in his eyes "Besides, we had to make it look convincing for the board."

Alice hopped off the table, twirling around Nicholas, "Ah, what a story to tell!" she purred, "The valiant Wayland division storming the containment chamber to confront SUCH a monstrous threat, giving up their lives for the corporation so that our progress may continue unabated!" she stopped, spinning to face the CEO, "and with such a noble sacrifice, bringing the erratic wild card to heel, snapping her out of her Nereid-induced madness, ensuring the safety of our test subjects, and opening the door to new frontiers in production and generation of new organisms!" she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Bravo, dearest Montgomery, bravo!" She teased.

"What of this reconstituted Zero?" Nicholas interrupted.

Alice stopped, "Mm, what of her? She's a perfect replica, as mindless and malleable as the original," she smirked, "Run all the tests, if you need. Or trash her and work with a fresh one off of storage, you have a few copies left in the vats, right?"


Alice giggled, "Thought so. I mean, if you're going to grow one Zero, might as well have a few backups, mm?" she turned away from Nicholas, "Good for you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I do need to go take a shower," she glanced back, winking at him, "turns out managing a biomass network to tendril fuck a trio of growing ladies into enormous dimensions does work up a sweat!"

"One last thing, Alice," Nicholas called out, "Your encounter with the Wayland team... did you suffer any injuries?" he tilted his head to the side as he studied her back, "Wouldn't hurt to have you looked at by medical..."

She turned to smile thinly back at him, "Oh, I'm fine. Like you said, a few bullets never slowed me down before."

Nicholas narrowed his eyes slightly, then nodded, turning away from her, his attention returning to his personal assistant. 

As Alice left the office, she gritted her teeth momentarily, gripping her left wrist as her left hand quivered. A brief flash of pain best left hidden from Montgomery...


Alice walked into her chambers, signaling the door to lock itself behind her.

"Fucking asshole..." she muttered, quickly peeling out of her boots and bodysuit.

Her living quarters were spartan, the only main features being the bed she was walking towards, a slightly used computer terminal, and a screen on the opposite side of her, with a few unused pieces of furniture decorating the remainder of the softly-lit room.

She slumped down on the bed, sitting up straight as she clenched her jaw, slowly pulling off her left glove to reveal a gaping, dripping wound on her left palm.

She frowned as she looked through the empty space left in the middle of her palm by the single round Wagstaff had managed to hit her with, glowing turquoise fluids oozing from her wounded flesh, "Why won't this fucking thing close..."

She turned to look behind her, "how are you holding up, anyway?"

A shapely, semi translucent figure crawled onto the bed, slowly shifting out of her invisibility.

"...Alice," a very naked Sadie murmured worriedly, "What happened?!"

"Seems your ex-master isn't playing fair. The sec detail he sent in after me were carrying... special ammo it seems," she said as her attention drifted back to her wounded hand. Try as she might, she just couldn't will the flesh to mend itself. A rare occurrence.

Sadie hurriedly wobbled her way around Alice until she was kneeling in front of her, hold her hand in between hers softly, "But... how?" she asked, her voice choked with apprehension, "You're... you're invincible!"

Alice blinked. She looked down at the violet-haired vixen she had plucked from becoming a monstrously breasted production unit, stabled within the entrails of the corporation's headquarters. She felt her insides twist for an instant at the girl's worry for her, she still hadn't gotten used to just how... sweet... she was.

She tried to slowly slip out of Sadie's grasp, "It's fine, really. I'll figure out and heal up in no time..."

Sadie's brow furrowed slightly, "No, let me help..." she said, straightening up as she knelt before her. Alice looked at her quizzically, "I don't think there's much you can...hmmm..." she stopped as she watched Sadie begin to massage her enormous, engorged breasts. As the girl caressed and kneaded her swollen flesh, small rivulets began to drip from her transformed nipples, the fluid emanating from her glistening with pinkish bio-luminescence.

"Well, that's new," Alice quipped, a crooked smile beginning to play about her features as she watched the breast play, "Don't get me wrong, sweety, if you're intending to get my mind off the pain, it doesn't really hurt that much... not that I don't appreciate the show, mind you.."

Sadie continued kneading her breast flesh as she seemingly ignored Alice's comments, her grip intensifying as more fluid squirted out of her. Biting her lip, she began to work her right breast until her nipple was gushing, quickly drenching her dainty hands in the thick, luminescent cream. With a soft sigh, she let go of herself, once again taking up Alice's wounded hand in between hers, massaging it carefully.

Alice's eyes widened as she felt the fluid against her damaged tissue, the burning, tearing sensation quickly subsiding and replaced with an almost pleasant tingling.

After a few minutes, Sadie drew her hands back, and Alice's wound had completely disappeared.

"Huh, aren't you full of surprises..." she murred, stretching out her arm, twisting her hand to and fro as she examined  it, "Not even a trace."

Sadie smiled, squishing herself against Alice's lap, "Glad I could help a little..." 

Alice looked down at her. She really wasn't used to these sort of affectionate displays...

"Thank you, pet..." she said softly, sliding her hands to cradle her face.

It wasn't long before the odd pair became intertwined in romantic embrace, hungry lips seeking each other out as their shared affection began to bubble over into carnal passion...

— Outgoing report intercepted from somewhere within FabPharma HQ, callsign "01000001 01100111 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01010011"




Agent huh.. I wonder who the spy could be... So I've been looking forward to this for a while now. Very nicely written BD! Ugh, poor Zero gets no respect. Turned into a writhing monster cannibal only to be reborn and then delivered from the hands of Alice the [Really, Really nice person who gets along with everyone] to Monty the Psycho. I hope she survives and that at least the techs can remove her memory of dying. Killing and hurting others doesn't seem to bother Alice much. I hope Sadie will be alright. Maybe some of her kindness will rub off on Alice. I look forward to future updates :)


Yeah that's technically true, you got me! I was wondering though how perfect a replica is Rezero. Does she have her 'mother's' memories for example?


No break in memories, to the reconstituted version, memories are perfectly linear (all the past up to transforming into biomass, her time as a biomass, and finally where she is now, reformed to her previous state).

Misty F.

Maybe I am biased by having seen a lot of Alice interacting with the others over the years in a short amount of time, but it does seem, to me, like she has some sense of empathy towards all of them (even Zero). Maybe she sees something of herself in them perhaps?