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Hello FabPharma Members,

The N-Class event is officially over. So with this epilogue, I'm closing on the Writhe story entry. Time for shorter (read: not taking up an entire year from start to finish) sets, new characters, and... well, we'll see ;)

Also, cowgirls. Someone dropped a suggestion and mentioned it's the year of the ox, so why not cowgirls? That's good enough reason for me, so squeezy cow Hitome came forth this cycle, along with a little group shot. Perhaps we'll get our hands on the rest of the group this month, hmm?

Finally, polls in the next day or so. I haven't really slept in two days, so give me a little to get my brain back in working order.

Oh, you might be wondering what exactly all this N-Class event was about, or at least how it ended (because Alice just closes it off with a wicked grin). Fear not, I pulled out a journal entry from the General in charge of breaching the chamber when he wasn't looking (and there might be a little extra to glean in the next few days, Alice got some 'splaining to do).

Anyways, have a read. And I do hope you enjoy this month's work :)

- bd

...The charges went off, and we blew the reinforced doors wide open.

"We were instantly met with the raw stench of sex as the sealed room exhaled, not kidding when I say that I literally tasted the stank through my breather. The sound of squirming, slapping, slurping echoed out of the blasted opening, like hell cooked up the world's largest pot of macaroni and tasked all its lost souls into stirring it endlessly.

I signaled Jones to check for any immediate threats, he soon flashed the all clear. With our guns at the ready, we stepped into the containment chamber.

What awaited us was something out of some perverted nightmare. Our boots squelched not on any sort of floor, but on yielding... meat, flesh, whatever. That wasn't what held us in shock though.

As our eyes adjusted to the dim, pinkish bio-luminescence that seemed to permeate the chamber and the eerily glowing puddles of what I guessed to be the serum we ourselves received as part of Project Wayland (what would that stuff be doing splattered all over this chamber anyway?), we were quickly noticing the entire chamber was heavily coated in the tendriled growths we had encountered on our way through the containment sector... I can still feel the foreboding sensation we were 'inside' the guts of some enormous creature.

We took a few more steps into the chamber. Gargantuan tendrils sprouted literally everywhere, waving placidly, like algae in a soft current. Unlike the previous growths we encountered, these seemed to be completely ignoring us.

"General..." Albertson choked, "... what... are... those?!"

It didn't take a genius to see what he was referring to. With our vision fully adjusted, we could finally peer into the rest of the chamber, only to be met with an impassable barrier of inconceivably massive mountains of flesh.

"Those... those look like tits," D'Angelo offered, breaking comms silence, "Is this room growing tits?"

Perched atop the heights of these cyclopean, throbbing orbs, I finally managed to spot women 'attached' to these massively bloated things, their bodies dwarfed to specks amongst the pulsating flesh they rested upon. Now that I think of it, I could hear their pleasured moans and ecstatic gasps just over the song of flesh erupting all around us.

I still can't really fully understand what I was staring at. The sheer dimensions of those women's breasts was mind numbingly impossible, were it not for the fact they were there, right in front of me, throbbing like monstrous hearts as they squirted pools of fluids unto the hungry flesh latched onto them. Dozens of tendrils slithered over their flesh, and I suspect hundreds inside them as well, judging from the writhing, wriggling, and swelling that stretched their bloated flesh from within. Whatever these fleshy growths had done... are doing to them, though, it seemed to drive the girls wild as they orgasmed endlessly.

The Nereidyl subjects. We were briefed on these girls. In fact, they were the reason we were here in the first place. We were supposed to locate them, destroy any resistance, and extract them to safety.

I don't think that's going to happen. Even if we could somehow clear these growths and actually 'move' one of these pair of tits with women glued onto them, we'd barely be able to fit a single nipple through the  way we came in.

"Don't be fucking stupid, those... those are our targets," I barked back.

"General, I... how are we going to —"


Jones never finished his question, I don't think I could've answered it anyway.

A dark blur, and it was like his body exploded right in front of us. The movements were just too quick to register, but something had just dismembered my recon officer faster than we could even register him turning into shredded beef.

"CODE RED," I shouted, jumping backward, ducking behind a massive tree-like tendril, "FALL B—"

I couldn't even finish shouting the command before comms was flooded with the screams of all my men, the abject horror and pain in each of their voices chilling me to the bone. And the sounds... my entire squad getting ripped apart, torn to shreds by some unseen, impossibly furious force... down to just a mess of body parts being flung chaotically into the writhing flesh enveloping this accursed chamber.

Only a few seconds passed before everything ended, only the rhythmic moans and fleshy sounds remained. I gripped my automatic rifle, glancing at the ammo counter. It was full, I don't think any of us even got a shot off at whatever just obliterated us.

My attention snapped to when I heard that soft, sultry laugh, a few feet just behind me past the meaty growth I ducked behind. Without even a thought I sprang away from my position, just fast enough to avoid the blur of claws and spiked appendages that whirred right through where I had been just a split second ago. The entire chamber groaned as the meaty tendril was shorn away, falling over like a great oak, the stump of flesh gushing out more of that glowing, turquoise stuff.

I whipped around, yelling in rage and terror as I unloaded my weapon into that dark whirlwind while I scrambled to find new cover.

I thought I heard a hiss over the gunfire, did I score a hit on this thing?

Didn't matter, that blur caught up to me. The world went upside down as I was flung away, searing pain shooting through my entire body.

A heavy thud, and what was left of me smashed into a bed of swelling growths. I reflexively tried to grab at my gun, but that arm was gone, I couldn't feel my legs.

And then I was flipped around, she was on top of me. Glowing crimson eyes fixed onto my own, a mocking smile painted on that surprisingly pretty face. God, the bitch was sexy, even if she looked right out of a space horror flick. Would've even tried buying her a drink, get her number... if it wasn't for the fact she was most likely about to rip my throat wide open.

She bent down, her lips parting to reveal glinting shark teeth, licked my cheek, then took a bite. The searing pain was just another note in the orchestra of white hot pain flying through me.

"Mmmm... you taste different," she cooed, "I think I'll have to save you for some other time."

I blacked out. I was done, this was it. Our mission to extract the subjects failed. My squad was over, and so was I.


Or so I thought.

I'm writing this from my bed in Medical. It's been a week, or two... I'm not entirely sure.

Everything's... grown back. No wounds, no scars... guess this Wayland deal was worth it, after all. I've tried asking the nurses about my squad, but no one's saying anything. I guess they weren't as lucky...

Earlier today I was informed the subjects were successfully retrieved, not sure how they even got them out of the chamber considering their tits were the size of small buildings, these sedatives leave my memory fuzzy... something about reversion treatment, whatever that is. There was no mention of the creature I encountered that claimed my men, and almost had me for a snack. Something in those eyes though, that laugh...

...was that the Krieger girl?

- Journal entry from General Martin Wagstaff's Journal, FabPharma SecOps, Project Wayland division.



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