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"After much introspection and many more sessions, I have finally been able to coax Nurse Nakamura into opening up about what she experienced within the Nereid Containment Chamber... not a small feat, I might add, since our sessions would eventually devolve and require termination due to the subject's explosive libido (and subsequent changes to her body as her emotions fully took hold). [Note: my own biological resistance to Nereid compounds notwithstanding, I must politely refuse to entertain any sort of satisfying any of the subject's carnal whims, as has been approved by my superiors... for the subject's sake]

I will submit my full report soon. For the time being, however, I must note that Nurse Nakamura's psyche is extremely fragile and prone to be unable to differentiate reality from fantasy. I will require extended sessions with the subject to be able to guarantee full recovery from whatever chemical cocktail the Nereid mass and/or Miss Krieger employed to get Nurse Nakamura to this state."

- Dr. Liam Callahan, psychiatrist. FabPharma Main HQ.

Hello everyone,

Right on time for the end of 2020, the content packs are out!

As the year comes to its end, I want to reach out to everyone with heartfelt wishes that your holidays have been enjoyable in these odd times, and here's to 2021 being the best it can be for all of us!

Coming up in January, there will be catchup holiday work for all the December supporters, polling for January work, and time allowing I'll be talking a little more on some things I have planned for this coming year.

For the time being, I hope you all enjoy the work coming out today, and get ready for a new year overfilled with some tit-illating imagery!

- bd




Happy New year!