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Wow guys,

First off, major thanks for your support, and welcome to all new Patreons that've made this milestone a possibility.

Second off, and yeah you guessed it, if all pledges go through, you'll all be seeing a brand new doll dropped out of the vats of Fabpharma at the beginning of July. This is a pretty interesting next step, as it may become a great way to further develop the story around the large, ominous corporation running these genetic experiments.

On this note, my work on Subject Zero may transcend the current sensibilities I'm allowed to by Patreon's TOS, so my next step (and thoughts on future milestones) are on how I can set up this content and make it available to you all in a manner that both validates your support and allows me to tackle upkeep on offsite services, as well as bringing on board an additional writer or two to really make the stories that much more impactful.

As always, I'd like your feedback, I always enjoy hearing from you guys! Meanwhile, stay tuned for new stuff!

Asides from current patreon reward works, Emi is making a comeback in a big way, just exactly how, you'll be able to see in the coming few days ;)

- BD




Speaking as someone who hasn't researched the matter, it seems to me like Patreon has no problem with more 'adult' content as long as it's hosted off site (e.g. Dropbox). They've certainly allowed a great many other artists to release x-rated content to their patrons that way. P.S. Great to see you're back!


Hey Sleeponaut, thanks for the comment. Can you provide samples of other creators doing this?


Out of those artist I've supported, Studio Pirrate (spelled like that) has been doing it for months. Others such as Rupert Everton and Sidneymt release pretty explicit stuff right via Patreon, but I wouldn't be surprised if those're pushing the boundaries of what's allowed here.


see here's my issue, taken straight from the Patreon FAQ: Patreon is not for pornography, but some of the world’s most beautiful and historically significant art often depicts nudity and sexual expression. Because of that, we allow nudity and suggestive imagery, as long as it is marked NSFW. Think of the policy as allowing “R Rated” movies... but not porn. So yeah, I'm already pushing that pretty hard, specially considering big bust work in general is more 'niche' and rocks the boat a bit more than what some would argue would be equally explicit forms of content, just because of most western-culture sensibilities. There's always going to be creators using the platform at risk of getting shut down, that's just a reality, I just personally try to play by the rules as much as possible while making a space for myself. On a personal level, my goal is to find some way to avoid getting the hammer dropped on this content outlet, which most likely means that I need to find either a more forgiving outlet for everything in the long run, or for the specific stuff that could draw red flags here. Whatever the outcome I end up deciding on, my top priority is that the quality of work keeps improving and raising the bar, while remaining fully accessible to the people who actually stick by me and at the end of the day make all this possible with their continued support (ie. you guys, my patrons :) ). Right now, I'm just fielding ideas on how to push the limits to another level, and how to make it accessible.


I understand the position you're in. I'd probably do things the same way you're doing them if I were in your shoes. That said, it'd be interesting to know Patreon's official stance on, say, Dropbox. Anyways, looking forward to whatever you come up with :)


thanks man, appreciate the comments! We'll see what the future holds :)


Sweet indeed. You briefly mention Emi, will the blog resume or is it more of the random images? Also, and plans on picking up the DANI blog? Keep doing awesome work!


emi should be making a comeback in a big way soon, just trying to coordinate with her writer, she still owes me some drafts to get things started up again. But at the very latest she should be up and running again by the beginning of next month. Dani is currently on hold since the girl who is doing the writing is currently tied up irl though


Really looking forward to it. Again, keep up the great work!


This idea is so sexy. Thanks for putting this together. Too bad the new girl can't be twins lol. You have to admit balloon doll twins would be pretty hot.


well, dyna and jessica are -almost- twins... Jessica has just gotten a little over the top obsessed with those shots shes getting from her doc.