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Hello everyone,

As posted in the latest briefing, I'll be hosting April's AMA in the FabPharma discord. It should be the perfect time to drop your questions about lore, production, the emi doll, or anything else in the balloondolls universe you might be curious about. 

Details follow:

Where: FabPharma Discord, channel #fp_ama-apr

When: Monday, April 15th @ 9 PM (EST)/1:00 AM Tuesday April 16th, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

How this AMA will work: I will be here live at the appointed time to answer questions from everyone attending  If you can't make the AMA, but still want to participate: You can DM me  on discord with your question before the AMA date  and I will save it to answer during the AMA. Alternatively, you can send your question(s) via email or DM here on patreon.

The discord channel will be read-only until the AMA date, see you then! 



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