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NOTE: I'm extending the adventure-choosing for one more day, so this isn't the final poll!

Denise eyed the escort warily, "Alright, fine. Let me get my purse," she said.

Minutes later, she was speeding through the streets of Big City in the back of a luxurious limo. The trip itself was rather dull, with the black-suited escorts accompanying Denise inside the car remaining quiet throughout the journey, and a soft, minimalist, piano solo track drifting out of the sound system.

She finally arrived at Camille's building, the original escort remaining by her side as they entered the luxurious apartment complex and rode the elevator to Cami's place. As they neared her door, Camille opened the door to her apartment, wearing a short evening dress that left very little to the imagination,

"Great, you made it!" She purred, walking towards Denise, taking her hand in both of hers, "Come," 

"Where are we going now?" Denise asked, with just a hint of annoyance in her voice, "You know I appreciate the mystery a bit, but this is getting a little weird, Cami..."

Camille winked, "We're going to the roof."

"The roof, what for?"

Cami laughed, "Well, where else would you put a helicopter?"

Denise blinked in surprise, "A heli-... Cami, this is getting super weird."

Camille laughed, wrapping an arm around Denise's waist, squishing herself against her as she urged her back towards the elevator, "Come now, silly! I promised you something special tonight, no?"

And lo and behold, a moments later, the elevator opened up to the skyscraper's rooftop, a jet black helicopter perched upon the building's helipad, awaiting the girls to take off.


After the helicopter took off and away from the city and out into the ocean lining Big City's eastern edge, Denise could only wonder what she'd just gotten herself into.

"Why are we being accompanied by a FabPharma security detail? Also, why the fuck does FabPharma even 'have' security details!?" she thought.

A few clicks further, Denise could see a large ship in the middle of the sea, a bright beacon of light floating placidly along the dark waves of the night sea. Rapidly approaching, she could already tell this was one of those super yachts she had been reading about in the news.

They landed softly upon the ship's helipad, the solid bump signaling their grounding as the copter's blades began to slow their spin.

With the help of their security detail, Camille and Denise stepped out unto the ship, swiftly being greeted by an elegantly dressed hostess.

"Miss Everly, good evening, and welcome!" the hostess said warmly, looking at Denise, "And I see you've brought your plus one, Miss Steele! Welcome to you as well!" she smiled invitingly, "If you'd follow me, I will lead you to tonight's festivities. Make yourselves at home, and feel free to mingle while I inform our host about your arrival."

Camille smiled gracefully, "Merci," she replied, taking Denise's hand in hers as she walked forward, following the hostess' lead.

A quick trip soon led them below deck into a spacious ballroom, an eclectic of contemporary music flowing through the space, just enough to not overpower the ongoing buzz of conversation in which the gathered crowd was engaged in, "Wow, this is quite the black tie affair..." Denise murmured, suddenly feeling a little inappropriate in her tiny, skin tight dress.

Camille glanced her way, giving her a reassuring smile, "Oh, don't worry sweety, we're expected to look our part!"

Denise raised one eyebrow, "And... what's 'our' part, exactly?"

Camille smirked, giving her a wink, "why, eye candy, of course!"

Denise wasn't too reassured by that reply, but she put on a brave front as she walked through the throng of impeccably-clad attendees, gripping Cami's hand tightly.

She started to scan the crowd, her eyebrows shooting up, "Whoa... this is... a pretty high scale gathering," she said to Camille as they passed a tall, thin woman in a luxurious, silver dress, "That's... Elizabeth Drusk! The -"

"Owner/Founder of DruskTech, correct," Cami finished for her, smirking, "Probably gathering support for her next push into automated vehicles."

Denise blinked, continuing to check out those gathered, "Oh! And over there! That's-"

"Jonas Frank, founder of Chirper, yes," Camille laughed, "And looks like he's bending a few senators' ears tonight!"

"Wow... okay don't tell me, let me do this one," Denise replied in amazement, "And over there is Jon Aoki, founder of Terminus Robotics!"

Cami nodded, "Mhm! Correct!" she turned to grin at Denise, "You're good at spotting people!"

Denise shrugged sheepishly, "Eh, I spend a lot of time on social media... you kinda pick up on all these people..." she trailed off as they continued walking, "I mean... this is like a gathering of some of the world's biggest industry titans, politicians, and the ultra rich..." Denise eyed Camille with surprise, "You sure do get around, Cami."

Camille giggled, "Ah, but you've yet to meet our host!" she purred, turning away from her, "In fact, looks like he's here, now!"

The room suddenly fell silent as a man appeared on the other end of the room,

"My esteemed guests!" Nicholas Montgomery called out, raising an arm to wave at those gathered, smiling widely, "I am so glad to have you all on board tonight," he continued, "Allow me to say a few words before returning to the festivities."

Nicholas clasped his hands together, "Progress. This singular word acts as a siren's call, a catalyst, to all of us gathered here. Where others are content with what is, you all have proved time and again that we need to focus on what could be," he raised his hand, as if clasping an invisible pennant, "The future! In each of our fields, we are slowly bringing the world into a whole new age, a new epoch in humanity's advancement!" he raised his champagne glass, "And that's something worthy of praise. Give yourselves a round of applause."

After the ensuing clapping, he continued, "As the founder of FabPharma, I am proud to act not just as a comrade in the front lines of innovation, nor a simple investor into your world-changing projects," Nicholas stopped for a moment, looking around the room before reaching into his coat, "But also, as the guardian of your well-being!" he exclaimed, producing a small, clear receptacle of luminescent, turquoise fluid, eliciting a burst of applause and cheers, "As you all strive for humanity's progress, FabPharma will progress humanity itself, for the benefit of us all!"

The applause grew deafening, the excitement of those gathered nearly palpable, slowly dying down as Nicholas waved at the crowd for their attention, "As a gesture from the FabPharma Corporation, you are all invited to partake in our first, finalized run Of Nereidyl Ultragen. This highly refined version of our now-publicly available Nereidyl Rejuvenate serum will not only grant you all the healing benefits our commercial product offers, but also prolonged nigh-immunity to most, if not all, bodily harm, be it from disease, or from, shall we say, physical altercations," Mr. Montgomery smiled knowingly, "Trust me, it's as if the best version of yourself is present, all the time," he finished, opening the small container and tipping it to his lips, emptying it in one swig to renewed cheers from the crowd.

"With this, I leave you, for now, to tonight's entertainment," he said, bowing deeply, "Please, enjoy yourselves!" he waved, walking back out of the room.

The crowd erupted into a frenzied, conversational buzz. Denise herself was floored by Mr. Montgomery's speech, standing in her spot, dumbfounded.

She only registered Camille's grasp on her arm when the buxom woman pressed herself onto her, "Come, sweety, that's our cue,"

Denise blinked, "Cue... for what?"

Cami grinned, "Well, to meet with our host, of course!"

Denise nodded, following Cami as she walked towards the doors Mr. Montgomery had just exited through...



Why do we even have choices for this story? It seems pretty clear which one we're supposed to choose each time. And with the speed in which you're posting these, I can't believe you don't already have each part drafted beforehand.


Well, let me first off say thanks for the unintended compliment because, in fact, these entries are written daily. As in I wake up, look at the polls with a big cup of coffee by my side, check the leading choice in the polls, and go on about writing the continuation for the story (along with the choices to continue it). The only sort of drafting I am doing for PO #005 is mulling over where each choice will lead next day should it come out to be the pick, so I have a very rough skeleton structure to work with the following day. To answer your original question as to why even have choices, is because they in effect change where I direct my writing towards on a daily basis. Is there, perhaps, some sort of writer's bias as to 'where' I'd like to take the story? Sure, I'm human after all, I have personal tastes and likes much like yourself. Do I, however, tailor the story and choices to guide you towards certain choices over others? On that note, I'd have to say yes, and no. There will always be more (or less) logical options in story progression where a majority will have a higher chance of gravitating towards (or away from). Sometimes, I can definitely say that after finishing a piece of the story with its options I can guess the outcome (to give the most recent example, having Denise act in a more compliant manner and accept going along with the FabPharma detail) while others I am definitely wrong (actually picking up Zoe's call, picking Cami's second unknown option - I really thought you guys would either pick the wintergreen pachyderm or club molotov, tbh). On another point, I guess there's the question as to whether I am giving you the ability to choose where the story goes, or if I'm simply giving you the illusion of choice, with an already decided-upon ending. Without getting too philosophical on whether our choices actually matter at all, and all this has already been pre-destined by some cosmic force (which I can't answer :P), I can honestly say that when I sat down to write the first entry to PO #005, I was not expecting Denise to be led down to a (now somewhat inevitable) meeting with Nicholas Montgomery in a super yacht while he hosts a gathering of the world's movers and shakers. Whether you believe me or not, that's up to you. Finally, I'm doing this extended choose-a-storyline for two specific purposes: continuing Denise's story with the community's input, and for you all to have fun. If a poll choice didn't go your way, I'm geniunely sorry, the last thing I want to do is frustrate people, I want you all to have fun. With the tools and time at my disposal for this exercise, however, there will always be choices that go unexplored, to some extent. More on this in a bit. Having said all this however, I do really welcome the feedback, so I'm glad you took the time to comment, and if you'd like to see something different down the line, do drop me a DM with your ideas, I always read through every single thing you guys write me, and try to keep it in mind on my work as I move forward. Picking up on the unexplored choices, as an extra aside, my plan is to share a bit more of the process I took throughout the daily crafting of this storyline after this iteration is finished, filling in with my own comments with each choice alongside where each unpicked choice could have roughly led.


Wow. That's interesting. I was kind of thinking that the choices were illusions. I was likening them to the way FabPharma was doing everything it could to push Denise's choices in a certain direction. Maybe I'm thinking too deeply about it.


While FabPharma (the corporation) does have a rather underhanded streak in its dealings lorewise, I (the writer) am only interested in presenting you guys with entertaining (and hopefully interactive, to some extent) content ;)


Yo this legit turning into the premise for a Black Mirror episode


I am liking a lot this kind of way. Great job!


i hope she will get serious boobie greed ^^