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Denise twisted her mouth slightly, staring at the ringing phone's screen.

"What's wrong, Denise?" Cami asked as she watched her reaction to the call.

"Eh, it's just a friend of mine," Denise mumbled, then gave Cami a weak smirk, "I've been kinda... dodging her lately. Sorry, this'll just take a minute" she said, standing up and walking away from their seat a few steps before answering.


"Denise, what the fuck?!?! Where have you been?!"

"Ah, hehe, hi Zoe... let me explain..."

"Ugh! You always disappear like this when you're up to something. What is it this time, are you in trouble?"

"Oh, no! Haha... to be honest, well... this is gonna sound a little sudden, but..."

"What is it?"

"I'm getting my boobs done tomorrow. I'm going through with it."


"...whoa, you're joking right?"

"No... for real, tomorrow's the day. I'm getting the biggest implants I can stuff into my chest."

"Why, Denise?!? Is someone putting you up to this?? Oh my god, did you get a new crazy boyfriend or something?"

"Uh, no, I've wanted to do this for a long time..."

"Ok, hold on. I'm talking to Miss Denise Steele, right? The same Denise Steele that's done a whole NetView video blog series about how all you need is fitness and determination to be your best self?"

Denise bit her lip, "Yeah, that's me. And those videos are years old, Zoe. They only get a couple hundred views a month nowadays. People change, you know."

"Yeah, I guess! I just didn't think the Denise that said women who get plastic surgery are nothing more than blowup sex dolls would be, you know, getting fake boobs??"

Denise gritted her teeth. Zoe was one of her closest friends, but she was definitely pushing it with dredging up all this stuff, "Yeah, Zoe, I said all that before. I changed my mind though, in a big way," she could feel herself getting flustered, "Listen, I'm taking a day off working today because one of my clients was kind enough to invite me out to relax. I'm going under for surgery tomorrow, it would be really nice if my closest friend would stop shitting on me for at least a few minutes and be, you know, a little fucking supportive?"

The line was silent for a few seconds, "Sorry, Denise... I just..."

"Yeah I know you just hate fake boobs, I get it alright? But this is something I really want, so at this point you can either be happy for me and be supportive, or leave me alone, your call."

"...wow, you're really serious about this, huh?"

"You're damn right."

Zoe sighed, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to come off as a huge bitch... we haven't spoken in so long, I've been really worried something happened to you. I even tried swinging by your place a few times and you're never there..."

Denise's voice softened, "Yeah... I know, I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been dodging you like this. I've been super busy too, I got this really upscale client that's been basically taking up all my time and..."

"Wait, say no more. I want to see you! You can tell me all about it face to face!"

"Um, sure. I'm not exactly sure what I'm gonna do next, but tell you what. I'll let you know a little later what I'm up to and we can meet up somewhere, sound good?"

"Sure! And hey..." Zoe's tone turned a little sheepish, "You know I work at a lingerie store, so... I guess if you're gonna do some last minute pre-surgery shopping, you should come by! That one girl we used to make fun of for... you know, the massive fake titties, ha ha... well, she shops here a lot so there's definitely some extreme sizes available..."

"Huh... yeah, maybe! I'll let you know in a bit, okay?"

"K, bye Denise, don't disappear on me!"

"I won't, promise."

As Denise hung up and walked back to sit down with Cami, the buxom redhead looked at her, "Ohh, that sounded heated! Is everything alright?"

Denise laughed, "Haha, yeah... just friends squabbling, I suppose."

Cami smiled, "Oh, well it looks like everything got smoothed over, yes?"

She stood up, picking up her purse before facing Denise, "So sweety, what's our next stop going to be?"


Implants Only

I hope that an ongoing theme is Zoe being stunned at Denise's sizes. This is a great story that is right up my alley. Thanks so much.


Now we just have to take Camille together with Denise to Zoe's shop... let the envy begin... ☻