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Hi all!

As the end of December nears, I wanted to write a post to give you guys an update on things on my end.

First off, I'm seeing lots of new patrons pledging, so I'd like to say welcome! There's lots of work in the backlog, so if any of you feel a bit lost trying to browse through, just shoot me a DM here or in discord!

On a more serious note, I'm sad to say these past few days have been rather grueling on my end. My bulldog suffered some complications from swallowing pieces from a chew toy, and after a few vet visits (and a lot of cleaning up at home), he had to be hospitalized.

The good news is that through surgery the object has been removed and he seems to be recovering, the not so good news is that there was significant damage to his small intestine, so it's still somewhat up in the air to see if he makes a complete recovery and heals properly, or if he will need further intervention should some of his intestines prove to be beyond repair. I've got a lot of faith in this big guy, he's been fighting tooth and limb throughout this whole year (those of you who have been around for a while are probably a little more informed about his somewhat frequent health issues this past year), and he's proven to be rather resilient at healing through some bad stuff, so I'm cautiously optimistic, as his next days in the hospital are rather key to his health.

With that bit of doom and gloom out of the way, I did want to touch upon more fun topics, as in what you can expect to see at the end of the month's releases :)

So first off, of course, is all the layout work so far. It's been a doozy to get through, but I'm pretty happy with the published comics and hope you guys and gals have found them fun to read through.

On the not-yet-seen work front, there's short pinup sets featuring Becky, Hitome, and Cali, some extra renders from Alice and Sadie's Holiday set, as well as as much of the frames I can get through for Denise's Plastic Obsessions 005. For Welcome to Unreality 002, there should at the very least be a few frames, and some behind the scenes production stuff that I've been working on for the issue (not so subtle hint: Fuki's getting a reboot as well, since she's a rather prominent character throughout the events that will unfold for both Cali and Hitome).

On closing up the year, this year's definitely been very hectic, and while sometimes stressful, I think it's been great thanks to your support. Working on full fledged comics has definitely been a rather interesting change of pace on my end, and I hope you're all enjoying the unfolding stories that have kind of simmered in the background of my images for some time. Personally, I love storytelling, so having the chance to expand (pun intended) upon the work beyond just sexy imagery is something I'm really digging (and again, hope you all are as well!).

On upcoming stuff, I'm considering how I can continue to give you all fun things for your support. Specially considering all the patrons who have been fans for a while (regardless of pledge tier), one particular thing I'm heavily considering is some sort of loyalty rewards. While patreon itself doesn't offer that option on the platform, I think giving some recognition and extras to those who have been long time supporters would be great. While I'm still not completely sure on how exactly I'll be bringing this feature into the mix (suggestions and feedback is super welcome here!), I just wanted to share my thoughts around this, since it's something I'm actively thinking on bringing about to fruition.

So, that's about it for now! As always, thank you all so much for lending me your eyeballs, your support, and all your appreciation. It's all truly humbling to make things people enjoy, and I really can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to continue creating and developing this work, month after month.

See you in a few days with some new releases!

- bd

P.S. So as not to leave you guys in complete suspense, I'm attaching a preview of one of Becky's pinups ;)




cough jessica cough cough ;)

Mr. Phoenyxx

I hope your dog manages a full recovery! Thank you for a year of amazing work.


Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Hope your doggy pulls through :) maybe some 3d vr (rather than 360 image) for one of the loyalty rewards hint hint 😇


thanks Jake. merry xmas and happy new year to you too :) keeping my fingers crossed on the pup, he seems to be recovering well, next few days are rather key. Also thanks for the reward idea, gonna add it to the list of possibilities!