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Today is the day

This is it, Denise thought, today is my first step towards huge funbags! Holy shit...

The thought itself thrilled and terrified her simultaneously as she sat in Dr. Grussben's waiting room. I mean, she already had nice breasts... right? She wasn't making an extra-sized mistake by chasing this fetish, was she?

Her doubt manifested itself in her posture rather obviously, sitting slumped in one of the clinic's artfully crafted, curved wooden chairs, arms tightly crossed around her chest.

"Ooh, this must be so exciting for you, Miss Denise!" Cami said suddenly, startling Denise out of her parade of doubts, "This feels like the first time I came to see Dr. Grussben, everything so electric, thinking of how I could get anything I wanted done by his skilled hands!" She glanced at Denise, her excited tone lessening noticeably, "Oh, but Miss Denise, you look so worried! Are you ok?"

"You know you can just call me Denise, right?" Denise grumbled, then sighed, offering an apologetic half-grin, "Sorry, guess I'm just kinda testy... gotta admit I'm a little nervous."

"Mm, I see! Getting ah... how you say... butterflies in your stomach?"

Denise paused, then nodded slightly, eyeing Cami's inflated rack, "Yeah... for sure. I mean, it's a pretty big step," she rolled her eyes, "No pun intended. But yeah, weren't you nervous when you first got your boobs done too?"

Cami smirked, "Mon dieu, was I ever!" she exclaimed, her left hand sliding up along the side of her tube top dress and up around the circumference of her left breast, resting atop the curve of its exposed skin, "In fact, probably much more scared than you, I never thought I would ever go this big, or want to go even bigger now!"

She tilted her head, leaning conspiratorially towards Denise, "Want to know a secret?" she cooed, "I was just an A cup when I started."

Denise's eyebrows shot up, "For real? And you've gotten THIS big?!" she gave Cami's tits another yearning look, "But... how? It must have taken you forever before this Nereidyl Recovery thing for your last upgrade. Seriously, how many ops have you needed to get to where you are?"

Cami grinned, turning to face forward, "Oh, about 6 or 7, if you count the last one!" she beamed up at the receptionist, "Miss Stacy knows my full story!"

Stacy, the receptionist, poked her head out from behind her computer monitor to smile kindly at Cami, "That's right! Cami's been with us for a few years already!" she said happily, turning towards Denise, "This is your first time coming in for a BA consultation, huh? Don't worry! Dr. Grussben is more than ready to go through everything with you, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have!"

Almost as if on cue, the clacking of high heels could be heard coming from inside the doctor's office towards the door.

"Ah!" Stacy said, "Speak of the devil, looks like he's wrapping up with his other appointment already!"

Stacy barely finished that last sentence before the door to Grussben's office swung open, revealing a massively enhanced, familiar babe (to Denise's dismay). 

"Dyna!" Cami exclaimed, "You were coming in today too?"

Denise just stared.

Oh wow, it's her... and dressed to show off, no less.

And show off she did. Dyna sported tiny jean cutoffs that barely contained her bulbous behind, and her cleavage was literally exploding from her tied top, a lacy hot pink bra on full display where the fabric couldn't reach to cover her enormous bust.

"Hiya Cami!" Dyna purred, "Funny running into you today!" She paused, tilting her head, eyebrows raising, "Denise, right?"

Denise's eyes narrowed involuntarily, "Yeah... hey Dyna. How's it going?" she replied.

Wait, Denise thought, These two know each other? Is there some sort of big titty committee I'm unaware of?

Dyna smirked, "Never better! Just got done talking with Nathaniel about doin' a lil' upgrade!"

"Oh my, Dyna! You're going bigger too!" Cami exclaimed happily.

"Heh heh, yeah! You know how it is, the fills are just so... addictive!"

Cami almost squealed, "Ooooh, so exciting, I'm getting fills too! Maybe one day I'll fill to your size!" she teased.

Dyna chuckled, "Is that right? We're gonna need to schedule a girl's night out to show you off!"

"That sounds great!" Cami said, then turning to give Denise an impish look, "We should bring Denise too, she's getting her first big boobies soon!"

Dyna raised one eyebrow, tilting her head to look past Cami, fixing her gaze upon Denise, "Really now, Denise? I never would've guessed you were into implants! So, wait, are you coming along with Cami for her fill... or is she tagging along for your appointment?"

"Well..." Denise started, suddenly feeling somewhat sheepish, "She's here for moral support, I guess," she forced herself to smile at Dyna, "Just a consultation, really. Been curious about this stuff for a while and figured Dr. Grussben's the best to talk it over with..."

"Well, I'm very glad to have you over, Denise." Dr. Grussben said, appearing calmly at the entrance to his office, "Nathaniel Grussben, at your service."

Cami spun at his voice, "Hiii Doctor!"

Dr. Grussben smiled warmly, "Very nice to see you, Cami. You're here with Denise, I assume?"

Cami nodded emphatically, "Yes! You know I always like to come say hi!"

The doctor laughed softly, "Oh, and you're always welcome." He turned towards Denise, smiling encouragingly, "Now, why don't the two of you come in? I've been told you have some questions for me, and I'm very happy to be of assistance."

Denise's spirits were lifted by the doctor's warm welcome, "Yeah, of course!" 

As she started to make her way towards the door, Dyna suddenly stepped forward to get in her way just enough to slow her down, towering over Denise in her platform heels, her overly enhanced breasts at her eye level.

Denise froze. Damn, never seen Dyna so up close before. Each of her tits is seriously like twice the size of my head, what the fuck!

"Sweety," Dyna started, her tone suddenly very friendly "I know I've rubbed you the wrong way before, sorry 'bout that. It's hard not to have some fun when you look like I do!" She offered an apologetic grin, "But, if you end up being serious about getting your boobs done, hit me up," she smirked, "It's a crazy trip, and us girls gotta look out for each other!"

Denise was taken aback, "Oh. Yeah, ok! Thanks for offering, Dyna, I appreciate it."

Huh, that's funny, she thought, and here I was thinking she was gonna be all snarky and give me shit for being here. Maybe I got Dyna all wrong...

Her spirits lifted further, suddenly feeling a rush of excitement as she turned towards Dr. Grussben, "Okay Doc, let's talk," she said as she walked into his office with a little spring in her step...



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