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Hey everyone!

As I mentioned in discord on Friday, 002 has taken a little longer to get through production than usual. Mostly because since it's a lengthy dialogue I've worked on a lot of back and forth conversational renders (and some Cami boob fondling!).

So over the weekend I finished all the renders pertaining to the pre-poll write-up (totaling 66 frames). I'll be fleshing out the renders for the polled direction today and tomorrow since they're a little less production intensive than these so they will render much faster than these past ones.

However, since I don't want to leave you hanging without a Monday update, I wanted to post the write-up for the second (polled) part of the 002 issue, which you'll find below :) 

As for the full actual comic for the 002 issue, I'll be working on the layout while I continue with the rendering, so I'm aiming to have the full issue done and ready by the end of this week.

Meanwhile, check out the write-up below! I'll be putting up the poll for the 003 issue as well following this post so you all can start voting on what will happen next :)

Denise's plastic obsession 002 (cont) - biting the bullet

"Huh, looks like Cami really wasn't kidding... this is like the fifth article I've run into this week about this Nereidyl Recovery..." Denise mused to herself as she flipped through her Chirper timeline, scrolling past the umpteenth sponsored post by the FabPharma Corporation, touting the incredible regenerative qualities of their brand new drug.

Denise stopped to read through a Nereidyl ad as it popped up in her timeline:

A revolutionary new treatment from the FabPharma Corporation, Nereidyl Recovery works with your body's natural healing abilities and enhances them to a whole new level of regeneration.
From life-threatening situations to getting back to your regular self after a medical procedure, Nereidyl Recovery is designed to ensure your body heals faster.

Ask your doctor today how Nereidyl Recovery could be right for you.

"Well, it definitely sounds impressive..." she murmured as she closed the ad and continued browsing through Chirp posts, suddenly stopped in her tracks, "What? No way!" as she encountered a specific chirp:

About to see Dr. Grussben for a checkup! Mb look into going bigger since he now carries Nereidyl Recovery ;)

She fumed slightly, she couldn't help but get jealous. Denise had started following Dyna on Chirper a while back after she ran into her in a yoga class they shared. Much to her dismay at the time, Dyna had inadvertently stolen the attention of a certain yoga instructor she was crushing on. She begrudgingly couldn't fault the guy either, Dyna's breasts were a sight to behold, looking even more massive on her taut, fit frame.

She hated to admit it to herself, but ever since that day she had become rather obsessed with the ultra busty stripper, to the point she crept her social media accounts on and off just to get a peek at the shots she often posted, since she definitely loved showing off her massive implants.

"Dr. Grussben..." Denise mused, "That's the same doctor I've been thinking about seeing. Cami got her boobs done with him too, and he's got a stellar reputation for turning girls into complete bombshells..."

Of course, that fame brought with it a rather hefty price tag, which had kept Denise away for some time now. 

You know what, she thought, fuck it. Cami's already given me the green light on taking a little time off, I should at least book an appointment and see what the Doc has to say. I really can't afford to lose her as a client, so I need some assurance I can actually recover and work out normally in less than two weeks, or I can't go through with this right now...

Denise was pulled out of her reverie by her phone ringing. It was Cami.

"Cami, hey!"

"Good morning, Denise!"

"How are you feeling today? Not too sore from our first week of workouts I hope?"

"Oo, well I am a little sore all over, but it's okay! That glutes and legs routine you showed me was really intense, I can totally feel the burn in my butt, hee hee!"

Denise smiled, "Yeah, that's how it goes. Just need to work through it"

"Oh, of course! I'm going to give it 100%"

"That's the spirit!" Denise stopped for a moment, "So, um, Cami..."

"Yes, Denise?"

"I thought more about going to see the doc, and I think I want to at least schedule an appo..."

"Ooo, wonderful Denise! I am so 'appy for you!"

"Heh, well, haven't completely made up my mind yet. But I want to hear what Dr. Grussben has to say about Nereidyl Recovery himself, see what kind of post op experience I'd be expecting. We're only a one week into your training, but if you don't mind..."

"Oh no! I don't mind at all sweetie! If you are going to see Dr. Grussben you should mention me so you get an appointment right away" Cami giggled, "I am a verrry good reference, trust me"

Denise couldn't help but chuckle herself, "I bet. Yeah I'll call today to schedule something, I'll keep you in the loop okay?"

"Okay Denise! I am so excited for you! Talk to you later today, yes?"

"Ok, bye for now." Denise said, hanging up.

She stared at her phone, then took a deep breath, pulling up her contacts list.

Okay Denise, time to bite the bullet... she thought to herself, dialing up Dr. Grussben's office...



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