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Hello everyone, and welcome to this month's recap!

As I talked about in my earlier post today, I ran into another slew of issues with the new rig. Long story short, rig would not stop crashing, got shipped back to the manufacturer, most components were apparently faulty, and they've built me a new rig from scratch. It's being stress tested over the weekend, and I should hopefully be able to have it next week to get up and running at full capacity.

Unlucky, to say the least, and some stuff didn't make it to the table. But let me talk a bit about what's actually in the packs.

I went a little overboard on the pinups this month, as you'll notice from the short image sets. Overboard is good when it comes to quality, and my highlight for this month has to be Zero's Suite Bondage set.

I just love harnesses, hopefully you do too! The way tight straps squeeze and bulge huge breasts has always been a big kink of mine, so I really liked working on this specific look for Zero. I may keep it around as a somewhat standard look for her (and maybe some of the other girls) on an on/off basis :)

That being said, the past few months I've noticed I have been dedicating a bit too much production time to pinups, and not as much time to the comics/story sets as I would like, so there's some changes I'm planning to implement on that regard that I'll expand upon in the next week or so.

Speaking of changes, there's going to be a bit of a sprucing up on the patreon feed this month, organization-wise. Right now, it's becoming kind of a nightmare to navigate through my feed, and not the sexy kind of nightmare involving Alice either. I'll admit, it's downright hard to get to older posts, my pack rat habits be damned. 

So with that in mind, with the help of none other than Mr. Montgomery's own PA, Dani (you can find her on discord!), my entire backlog is going to get combed over, picked apart, renamed, refiled, and reuploaded. With proper tagging and featuring of the right tags, navigation should hopefully be back in order and you'll be able to, well, navigate, to the work you're looking for with way less of a hassle.

Now, let's talk about testing! I did a VR test scene this month with Emi, and I'm curious if I should consider doing this more often or not. So I'll be polling that shortly. Also, on a totally different spectrum, I tried some toon shading with octane for a very simple test, so somewhat interesting result, although nothing I'd consider for a serious piece just yet.

Also, 20+ tier pledges will notice the behind the scenes stuff I've included this month. As you can imagine, there's nothing there that's picture worthy in as of itself, but I did include a sequence on dressing hitome and morphing stuff to fit/creating materials and texturing, as well as some stuff I saved up while setting up some of the scenes. Hope some of you find that interesting to some degree :)

So, moving forward. First order of the month is finishing up Denise's Plastic Obsessions 002's frames and setting up the comic, with polling for the next step in her story following up shortly after. Since I'll be hopefully getting the rig next week, I'll keep you guys updated then, but expect the usual fare of assorted pinups, some testing, and any other stuff I can throw into the mix (looking at you, Cali/Hitome reboot, I'm comin' for ya!).

For now, hope you enjoy this month's packs :)

- bd



Most anticipated reboot of 2018: Cali & Hitome > Broly


Great job with the images even with a falty machine. Ansious to see the next pack with a good rig ☻


Is that Alice in the toon shading render? Her skin tone makes her look a bit like a gynoid robot.


I really liked Zero's tight straps squeeze, a really "Battle of the Bulge!"