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Hey everyone!

The end of the month is upon us once more, so you know what that means!

Yep, the tier specific content packs will be coming up later tonight. As usual on my end, I'm trying to fit in as much render time while I post process the finished pieces to fit in as much work as possible :)

As you may have seen on the discord, this month has been specially crazy on my end since I've had to ship the new rig for repairs and faulty component replacement, so production has been rocky, to say the least. The company in charge of fielding the replacements will be (hopefully) shipping the system soon, so I'm crossing my fingers to be back at full capacity by sometime next week.

Nevertheless, expect 70+ images later tonight. There will be short pinup sets and images featuring Cali, Hitome, Subject Zero, Cami, Dyna, Sadie, and Emi, as well as a portion of the frames for Denise's Plastic Obsession issue #002. Cali and Hitome's reboot will have to wait just a bit more however, since there's only so much I can get done with the hardware I've had at hand this month.

Additionally, I'm including a new addition into the mix of work that's independent of the images I talk about above. As I mentioned last month, I wanted to make sure to fit in a bit more of a behind-the-scenes look into how some of the pieces get built. So with that in mind, you'll be getting a peek into how I dressed Hitome for her pinup set this month, mostly going over fitting the clothing (and plugs) with steps over morphing and material work. Nothing too detailed description wise since it's not meant to be a tutorial or anything, just renders I caught throughout the workflow, but I wanted to share them anyway :) as well as some production test renders for emi's and zero's sets.


Moving on to Patreon pledges, I received an email last night from patreon, pasting the stuff I want to talk about below:

"You may be aware that last month there were some issues with declined payments, and confusion caused by patrons seeing a new descriptor on their bank account. We’ve been working hard to limit the amount of disturbance you might experience this month, and for a full recap of what we’ve been up to with payment processors and you can read a blog post from Tyler, our VP of Operations.
To give you more info, we’ve started working with multiple payment processors to be able to continue successfully processing adult content creators. As a result, we moved the processing for adult creators to the UK. Unfortunately, this means some of your patrons may see a 3% international processing fee for their pledge. This is determined by their bank, not by Patreon, and every bank treats these things differently which makes it hard for us to assess who will be affected."

So, it's pretty much confirmed the bit of chaos that was experienced at the beginning of August was due to Patreon moving quickly to secure payment processors for adult content. As to why exactly they decided to do it without telling anyone beforehand, my guess is as good as yours, but if I were to speculate I'd say the previous payment processor they were using was griping too much about processing adult content payments.

While I'm not exactly happy with how things were handled and it did have a rather substantial impact on pledges this month, I'm still glad Patreon has taken a stance at protecting their adult content creators to some degree to make sure we can keep publishing our work on this platform. For reference, other platforms like Kofi and gumroad have taken a zero sum approach as of late and straight up removing every adult content creator off their sites.

So on that note, there may still be some of you that may experience some weirdness with payments in the next few days, as some banks seem to be getting triggered at the new payment processor (it's located in the UK, so some US based banks apparently flag the international processing as fraudulent, usually resolved with a phone call to confirm the charges).

If you didn't have any issues this month, hopefully that continues the same :)

Alright, that's it for now. I'll be back later tonight with Image Packs and the monthly catchup letter to the Board!

- bd


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