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Denise's mouth hung slightly agape for a few moments before she snapped to, "Um..." she murmured, buying a little extra time to come up with the right words.

Just be honest,but don't bring up her tits...

"Well, Cami. Straight up, you look great, really!" Denise offers a big smile, "You have nice muscle tone and it shows you really take great care of yourself. And you're very pretty! Honestly, like I said before, if you hadn't looked me up and we met normally I don't think you'd even need motivation to push yourself!"

"Now," Denise continued, feeling a bit encouraged by her own assessment, "We can really come up with some good excercise plans to target any areas you may want to continue improving. Like, if you want to get more muscle tone, or firmer legs, or..."

Cami smirked, twirling around and arching her back, pointing her ass straight at Denise before turning just enough to face her, "Ooh, that is perfect! I would really love you to help me to continue working on my buttocks. I've been doing some squats, but perhaps focusing more on this sort of leg and posterior workout, yes?"

Denise nodded, "Oh, yeah definitely!" her eyes couldn't help but drift across Cami's curvaceous frame to continue admiring her inflated breasts,

Gosh, they stick out so perfect and round even from the side...

Cami chuckles, placing one hand on her hip, "Ooh, and probably work more on my back a lot more. I will be needing the increased support as I continue filling my implants!"

"F-for real? You're going to go for even bigger breasts?!" Denise blurted out before she could stop herself,


Cami raised one eyebrow, suddenly straightening up and turning fully to face her, rolling her shoulders back and sticking her chest out to make her incredibly perky, basketball-sized tits even more prominent, "This bothers you?" she said in a somewhat worried, but defnitely offended tone.

Denise blushed slightly, "Oh, no no!" she swallowed, eyes darting to her side "I mean, you're free to do as you like, and we - I, can definitely help with any routines that-"

"But my breasts, you do not like them, hmm?" Cami pressed, "You think they're too big?"

Denise's eyes went wide, "I never said that! I LOVE huge tits!" she said without thinking.

Denise, what the fuck?!? This is SO UNPROFFESIONAL, ugh! Am I going to lose this client talking like this?!

Cami frowned for a second, then laughed happily, "Oohhh! So that is why you have been staring at them ever since you arrived!" she smiled, cradling her pumped orbs in her arms, "And I was thinking you were being apprehensive, this is a big relief!"

Denise relaxed a bit, smiling nervously, "Hehe, well... yeah. I'm kinda obsessed with the look... if anything I'm a little jealous."

Cami rushed to her side, "Oh, don't be! You're so pretty, mon cher!" she said encouragingly, rubbing her arm as she looked into her eyes, "And you are ver-ry sexy!"

Denise bit her lip for a moment. As cami rubbed her arm, she pressed her firm, fake tits against her side.

They're even bigger up close! Well, duh, but still! Mmh, having a chest like that and just pressing it against people when being up close... it's probably kinda unwieldy but damn it's so exciting at the same time!

Cami kept staring at her, now smiling impishly. Suddenly, she shifted position to kneel in front of her, "Well, do you want to touch them?"

Denise half coughed, "Uh, what?"

"You like big fake breasts, so you must like touching them too, yes?" Cami giggled, sticking her chest out again, "Is ok, I do not mind!"

"Umm... yeah, ok sure!" Denise reached out tentatively with her right hand, half cupping the bottom of one of Cami's tits, "Wow, they're kinda heavy..."

"Oh, yes! Close to 4000 ccs," Cami said matter of factly.

"Four thousand? Wow..." Denise murmured, weighing Cami's tit in her hand.

"Soon much more I hope!" Cami teased, leaning away from Denise, her breast slipping from her grasp, "So I ask, you like my breasts, yes?"

"...Yeah. I do, I think they're really hot and look amazing on your frame, Cami," Denise said with a sheepish smile.

"Thank you!" Cami beamed, "But if you like the look so much, how come you haven't gotten them yourself?"

"Oh! Well..." Denise's mouth twisted, her eyes darkening slightly, "I actually was going to get them a few months ago through a patient trial this company was running... FabPharma, not sure if you know about them-"

"FabPharma, yes of course! They're my implants' manufacturer, and I'm super happy with them!" Cami interjected.

"That's them, yep..." Denise continued, "But I guess stuff fell through and they never contacted me again. Kinda sucks, really, I was really hyped about it," she shrugged, "Since then I was sort of putting together the money to get them on my own, but they're really expensive, and..."

"Ohh!" Cami clapped excitedly, "So maybe with your new salary I can help you go big! So exciting!"

Denise laughed, "Haha, yeah... I was actually considering that when you first offered me that rate, to be honest! But... you're gonna need me on a daily basis, I can't just up and take a break for a month or two to get my boobs done when you just hired me. I'd just be ripping you off if I did that."

Cami cocked her head to one side, "Ooh, yes, I suppose you are right if you plan to just do a normal recovery..."

Denise raised an eyebrow quizzically, "Just a 'normal' recovery? I've done my research, going from nothing to even slightly big implants is sure to put you out of commission for a few weeks, much more if you plan to go back to regular excercise..."

Cami grinned, "Oooh, someone hasn't been keeping up with the latest advances!" she teased.

"What do you mean?"

"FabPharma again, actually!" Cami exclaimed, "My doctor works with them directly, and they are now starting to use a new substance that speeds up healing for post op recovery!"

"Really?" Denise asked, "Like how much though? It can't help that much... I mean surgery is still surgery, after all..."

Cami laughed, "Well, I used it. I actually got these implants 3 days ago. My old ones were only 2500cc."

"What?! You're fucking with me right?" Denise stared at Cami's tits, "Huh, there's like no scarring or anything, did they go in through the armpit?"

Cami grinned, raising up her arms, "No scars here either!"

"Wow, that's crazy, three days..." Denise mused, "Still, you probably recovered faster cause you already had the implant pocket created, so it's a faster recovery anyway."

Cami raised her eyebrows, "Ooh, you've really done your research huh?"

Denise shrugged, "I'm all about my body and fitness, can't risk something without knowing all about it beforehand."

Cami nodded, "Ooh yes, very true! Still, I've seen other patients recover in a week or less from their first time coming in, so maybe it could work for you too!"

Denise looked at Cami, then stared down at her breasts, "In a week..."

"Yes! And you're clearly in love with the look, I wouldn't mind giving you a week or two off, on the condition I can visit and help you meanwhile!"

Wow, so tempting... she's so nice now too that I've confessed my titty obession...

Still, it's such a gamble...

"Well, I don't know Cami. I gotta think about it... right now my priority is making sure you're getting what you paid for!" Denise smiled widely, "You're super sweet for offering though!"

Cami looked a little disappointed, but just shrugged and smiled back, "Mmm, as you say! Just think about it okay"

Denise nodded, "Yeah, for sure. Now, let's get to really hammering down that workout routine..."



Mr. Phoenyxx

I really enjoyed this. :)