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Well people, the time has come to commit July to the books, what a scorcher of a month!

Coincidentally, the heat makes for great inspiration, at least when it involves lots of bikini clad babes ;D 

It had been a while since I put together a big scene with a lot of the BD cast in it, and with the 4th of July coming and going, along with summer being specially hot, well, it felt like as good a time as any for a penthouse pool party ^^

It didn't come without its limitations though, since the new rig is still being rather temperamental and crashing almost on the dot between every render. Thankfully, while I finish figuring out what's going on with the support techs (and swapping out a few components along the way), slaving the rig to my older-yet-more-reliable workstation allowed me to continue working relatively unhindered, even though it's still not at the peak efficiency I'm hoping I can get to when the new rig isn't imploding constantly ^^;

So the pool party was definitely the highlight of the month for me, and definitely took up a big chunk of work to get through it, but I'm really happy with the outcome. It's definitely more on the cutesy side of things and not over the top erotic as some past months, but I really liked the character interactions it allowed me to play with, since it shows the girls perhaps in a more mundane-yet-insightful setting, and how some of their relationships have been developing.

Moving on to Denise's story, I gotta say you guys threw me a (surprisingly entertaining) curve ball by voting Cami into her storyline! Cami's always fun to play with, and it's pretty cool to let her get a little bit of the spotlight and how she'll play a role into really pushing Denise's boob greed into overdrive down the road ;)

As you'll see going through the ultrapack, all the frames related to the poll choices are finished, and I'll be setting up the comic (along with dialogue) during this week so we can see where the story heads to next!

Last but not least, I didn't want to end the month without putting in some work into Cali and Hitome's reboot story set/comic. So on that end, I'm happy to have finished polishing the two girls' rebooted, pre-transformation looks, and getting them together for a nice little teaser image for the set itself. Look for more production to be flowing into this venue in August :D

On the animation front, things are still kind of on standby until I can actually sit down and work on the new rig. I'm really hoping I can finish troubleshooting the machine in between the first and second week of august to at least include some expansion or boob bouncing fun in the work mix ^^

As a last little note, you'll notice the ultrapack this month contains a new folder called "production snippets". While there isn't much in there this time around, I'm going to start making it a habit to save out random renders and screenshots alongside the usual final pieces to give you all a little more behind-the-scenes content.

So that's pretty much it for tonight! As always, hope you enjoy this month's work, and stay tuned for more stuff as it comes off the render-oven ;) be sure to drop by the discord and say hi if you're up for it ^^

- bd


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