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Denise was quickly shaken out of her self-examining reverie as her mobile rang. The smartphone screen simply displayed: UNKNOWN.

She frowned, putting the phone down. Ugh, probably some marketing spam or a scam, I'm not picking that up. The ringing ended abruptly as voicemail kicked in.

Denise shrugged, aiming to toss her phone back onto her bed. However, it began ringing once more.

"Seriously?" she muttered, annoyance quickly rising within her. Seems she was going to have to tell off this persistent telemarketer in order to get him off the line.

"Hello!?" Denise almost barked in exasperation as she took the call.

"Oh, my!" a silken, sultry voice replied, "My apologies if I am disturbing you..." she continued, a slight accent coating her words, "...but may I please speak with Miss Denise Steele?"

The words gave Denise pause. Perhaps this wasn't just a telemarketer looking to offload a pitch, "Yeah, you're talking to her."

The woman on the other side of the line suddenly sounded overjoyed, "Miss Denise! I am so happy to be able to speak with you! I must admit I am a verr-ry big fan of your workout videos and programmes!"

Denise frowned slightly, "Yeah... thanks. So, how can I help you?"

"Wellll..." the sultry voice almost seemed to stretch the word endlessly, "I suppose I am hoping you may be available for some more... personal training? This is something you do as well, correct?"

Denise sighed in relief, "Oh! Yeah... yes, of course. I personally train a few athletes and celebrities, I guess you know that if you follow me online, Miss...?"

"Everly, Camille Everly."

"Ok, Camille. Well, it's nice to meet you, and I'm happy you're looking to dedicate time to your fitness. First order of business with new clients for me is getting to know you a bit better, so I can determine what kind of plan works best for your lifestyle, fitness goals, etc."

Camille giggled, "Of course! You're so professional, I like that!"

Denise smirked, "Just the way I do things, really. So, why don't you start by telling me what your goals are?"

"Ohh, that's easy!" Camille replied, "You see, I think I take very good care of myself already. But, I can become very busy, and my motivation goes... how you say... dégonflé?"

"Um... not sure what you mean by that. But I'm guessing you want someone to keep you motivated in your workouts?"

"Yes, yes! Exactly!"

Denise rolled her eyes. Another starlet/celeb looking for someone to slap junk food off her hands and be their personal cheerleader. Probably looking to lose a few pounds before an upcoming gig.

"Yeah, sure. I can work with that. How about we meet up sometime this week, maybe at the park or at my gym, and we can do some basic stuff to figure out how hard you'd like to push yourself?"

"Oh, yes. That sounds good. I will need to check my schedule, then I let you know, yes?"

"That's fine, you can call me back when you know when you're available and we'll figure out a time to meet." Denise paused for a moment, "Now... regarding my rates. I usually charge-"

"Oh, mon cher! Do not worry about your rates, I am very excited to be able to hire you as my personal trainer. Would, say... twenty-thousand a month be enough to cover daily classes?"

Denise's eyebrows shot up. That was way more than she usually charged, "Well, that's very generous of you, Camille! But I gotta be honest with you, I charge way less than that... and I don't usually do daily classes, more like 3-5 times a week at most..."

Cami sounded disheartened, "Ow, please? I don't mind paying more, if you could accomodate me into your schedule, please?"

Denise was silent for a few moments. Twenty grand a month... that would definitely cover her cosmetic surgeries, and then some...

"Well... ok, Camille. How about we meet up and go from there? Again, you're being very generous, but I can't let you spend that kind of money unless I know you're going to put in the work, wouldn't feel right otherwise..."

"Oh, of course!" Camille exclaimed gleefully, "I will be the perfect student, you will see! I will contact you soon ok? Good! Bye for now, Miss Steele!"


Denise put the phone down. That was quite the turn of events, maybe she wouldn't even need FabPharma sponsoring, after all...

Well, Board Members. It would seems our Camille has played her part perfectly, as expected.

All that is left now is to schedule their meetup. It would seem Denise would prefer the park or her usual gym for the appointment, but considering Camille's offer I am sure she could be convinced to meet her somewhere else as well, say in Camille's own penthouse, or the beach.

So, what say you, where should the meeting take place?

Should Denise meet Cami at...


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