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Well, what can I say, this hasn't been a great month on my end.

As you may or may not have read earlier, I lost a very close family member to liver failure about 2 weeks back. This has been a rather hard blow on my end, since it's been someone that's been there for me since I was a kid.

I've come to terms with it, such is life, we just have to be glad about the times we get to spend with people we care about and enjoy the things we do to the fullest.

However, I have to admit that definitely impacted my usual rather frenetic work schedule, it's a bit hard to be creative through these times.

So, Sadie's work was limited to the extra renders and finishing the 004 issue earlier this month, and HUD 3's final scene image set is still pending the meaty part of the plot (pun intended). I was rendering til the last minute, but there's only so much I can get through.

So, looking forward. These past few months I have noticed a degradation in production quantity (I'm sure you have as well), and in my musings you've been hopefully following along how I've been trying to optimize as much as possible to get through everything with varying degrees of success.

I don't think there's much else I can do at this point besides biting the bullet and going for a hardware upgrade ASAP, to maintain the current level of variety and continue to improve upon quality and quantity of work produced. 

Touching again upon Sadie, we've reached the final part of her transformation with April's voting. The final outcome will be revealed in issue 005 (coming in May!).

Don't worry, this won't be the last poll though, there's already someone else primed for transforming, this time with a different approach than the last :)

Speaking of polls, voting for the next large set has been delayed because, well, I haven't finished Hitome's yet. It's been my bad on not bringing it to attention sooner, and for that I'm sorry. This week however I'll be setting up that poll, and perhaps we can even discuss it live on discord :)

Yep, that's another thing that was delayed, but not for much longer. The discord channel is pretty much set up with a few final tweaks, then we will have a hangout (or the beginning of one at least, still looking towards a lot of ways to improve upon it) outside of Patreon!

Now, on to the month of May. May's going to be my catching-up month. 

Priorities are:

1) Finishing HUD 3

2) Wrapping up Sadie's story Arc with issue 005

Pinup requests will be recorded and worked on when time allows.

That's about it for tonight. As always, thanks so much for supporting my work, and bearing with me through tough times like these past few weeks. Even if you don't participate much and are just here for your monthly dose of boobage, you are amazing for supporting my work and I really can't thank you enough :)

Tomorrow morning, I'll get started with some new polling, and perhaps even introduce our next candidate(s)!

- bd



I'm so sorry for your loss, and completely understand the impact that it has on the creativity and workflow. The work you do is amazing, and I will always support it! In my opinion I think you deliver more than enough each month, that it's totally forgivable to produce a little bit less for something like a loss in the family. I'm excited to see what you have in store for next month (pls more Jess :) and the rest of the year moving forward! (Jess is my absolute favorite ;) Take care, and keep up the amazing work!


Thanks a lot Dean :) glad to hear! I'm thinking you'll get a good dose of Jess soon, if I'm any good at reading the crowd that is!


Just do your think, take some kinks and kick some boobs! Jokes aside, sorry to hear about your loss, and i dont mind delays due to the fact that your work is the best out there, all i might want is certain kinks to be highlighted, but i have never felt as if any patreon payment havent been worth the price for getting to support of your work :)


Hi man, feeling your pain there. Always on the Outlook in your universe also on your technical progress to learn something from it as one of the fellow boobs artists out there. Take care dude.


I extend to you my heartfelt condolences. I believe that your talent does not waver!


I like the Becky "bashful" pics - it's like she's looking at you, the viewer, then becoming uncontrollably aroused


Newer patron here. I found the first two parts of Hitomi's Unreal Desires on another site, which led me here to support you. Are the longer sets released for all patrons or is there a certain donation tier you have to be at? I can't wait for HUD 3.


large sets are usually only available to 20+ tier pledgers, if you found those sets somewhere else that means they were pirated.


I figured that was the case. But I'll definitely be bumping up my pledge in the near future. Your work is some of the best out there.


Hey man, I am sorry for your loss. Time is the best medicine in this case, take your time. And as Bendin said, your work is some of the best out there.


Hey, I'm sorry for your loss. I can't image how hard it must be. I for one greatly appreciate all the work you do each and every month, even in the months that are extremely difficult. Thank you.