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Figured it's about time I shoot an update on the goings on so far this month :D

Finally finished getting all my tax stuff ready, and meanwhile I've worked on an extra expansion(heh) of Emi and her inflatables, as well as adding in a few more render frames for Sadie's comic.

Up next: Sadie's comic should be done between later tonight and Thursday the latest. On this note the transformation poll for this month will be added alongside that release.

After that, pinup requests for the month featuring Juli, Cali, and Sadie, as well as a pinup intro to Dani, who will begin undergoing her transformation under Charles Montgomery's hands as he molds her to be his future personal assistant, body and mind.

And, of course, Unr3al Desires production, oh my! Now that we have decided upon the final scene's details, now's that time to get it made :D

Last but not least, looks like a decent number of you do want a discord channel (I think I counted around 45 yay votes), so I think that's something I'll be working on setting up as time allows. Stay tuned on that front, hopefully it'll be up and running before the end of the month is done, no hard promise on that though yet, since there's some stuff I need to look through for setup before release.

Alright, back to work for me :) 

- bd




Hope that you explore some of the ideas for Sadie that didnt quite make it with Dani. Would like to see what a Fab Pharma pleasure slave ends up like... Maybe some hollow doll and a big ol thigh spreading pussy?