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(Sorry for the delay, had some unexpected issues come up, all good now!)

This whole "New Year, New Me" thing is certainly more than a meme when it comes to Sadie!

Due how certain factors in the Nereidyl compounds interact with Sadie's modified genetic makeup, Sadie has gained the following trait:

Orgasmogenesis: Climaxing will now stimulate Sadie's growth factor to the point of spontaneous, permanent breast expansion every time she orgasms.

Also, our researchers in the FabPharma labs have been working on a new Nereidyl strain:

Nereidyl - Sensitiv: targets pleasure receptors and enhances them for maximum sensitivity and output for a short period of time. Repeated dosing can become cumulative/permanent!

With that in mind, here's the options for this poll ;)

Top 3 choices will take effect!



Orgasmogenesis sounds way more interesting to me than just vanilla methods 😉 A really cool idea 👌, but I could see a potential problem. What if the Nereidyl Sensitiv increases sensitivity of the nipples and they are being constantly stimulated by breast pumps? A growth spurt could make the nipple/areola larger and more surface area would make it more sensitive? You could get stuck in a feedback loop of orgasm then expansion etc.


no process is infinite, after all. So a cap will be reached at some point (or so I'd hope, for Sadie's sake!)


Why do we even have the "Breasts: Tissue growth expansion (+)" option if we pick it every month?


every single time, something "breast" wins. I mean, breasts are nice, but ya gotta spread it around, a bit


It does seem rather redundant with the orgasmogenesis.


I’m always curious about an example of hollowdoll.


That's why I've voted for it. It seems to have the most opportunity for providing us with something original, something that we haven't seen before.


I had the impression that Dolly or Emi were something like hollowdolls? Super stretchy. I could be way off base though.


I'm guessing that Emi is in the early stage of it and Hitomi is further progressed. Basically makes it so they can take extreme penetration...like a human cock-sleeve


Bad news; this community apparently only cares about big, bigger, and biggest tits. No fun options allowed.


@Sca;es correct! Also @Whatever what would you like to see in the future, specifically? I'm always down for listening to suggestions


Is Dolly entertaining the idea too? :-) I'm keen to see an example. Perhaps the final installment of UD.


Please no more nipple expansion... she'll turn into Jessica 😣


Ohno. Final installment suggests there's an end. I hope it just keeps going.


Personally, with the "Orgasmogenesis" in effect, the "Breast Tissue Expansion" should be taken off the list, since it's going to happen regardless because of the afforementioned development


There's currently a three-way tie for third place. This is amazing.


I'm not really in favour of banning any options outright. However I do agree that so far we have a very one track mind 😉. Another option might be to have the most popular option of each month's poll go on "cooldown", i.e. it is absent from the next month's poll. Maybe as an incentive, the month's top option also gets increased effect. A compromise - the people who like the Breast Expansion option can still get what they want and it rotates out so there are other options some months for some more variety in the poll results.


No longer tied. It does occur to me that this and previous polls could serve as an interesting social experiment in gratification and collaboration. Tieing might not always mean both are included, but it does seem like we could game the system if we worked better in concert.


@balloondolls Nah, you're doing fine! Really! I do enjoy this. It can just be a bit... I dunno. Dissatisfying? Just with the way the votes sway, logging on to see a new poll and a major portion of the votes are for bigger breast growth. Don't sweat it, it's not your fault and there's nothing you can really do to change this community's mind overnight. Just keep on keeping on and we'll keep supporting! Besides, I probably wouldn't have any suggestions or ideas you probably haven't already considered, so why bother :P


That would have to take a few things into account. How many people read BD's whole post before voting? How many people just vote and take note of when the voting stops and log back in to view the results? How many people read the comments? As we can already see by the number of votes vs. the number of comments and comment replies, that ratio seems a bit low. Collaboration would require people to read and respond to comments and read the full post before just casting their votes and moving on. How many people vote for 1 thing, 2 things, 3 things, everything? How many people even realize they CAN vote for more than one thing? How many people change votes in the middle based upon how the other people are voting to try to sway things a bit? I know I change my votes from time to time to try to swing some of the "less chosen" items, but how many others even care what other people think? I could go on and on, but this comment has already gotten a bit rambly!


Frankly, I don't like the way the polls are going. It takes lots of work from the author and it seems that it's not pleasing everybody (specially top tier patreons...)


I have zero qualms about the work, this is a community project. As I stated when this began, this is a way for everyone in my community of supporters to participate - equally -; as polls usually go, it will obviously not please everybody, that's just how things work out. That being said, I'm keeping a close eye on this project and will make adjustments to it as I see fit in order to continue making it fun.


Thank you for all of the effort you put into this! My last pair of comments weren't meant to be negative; they were just musing about the nature of polls. I would have loved to have seen 4+ effects take place, but anything beyond 3 would have been bonus obviously. I'm generally very happy with this project and while I sometimes wish for different results I understand the outcome is by consensus.


Oh no worries ret, this is basically a response to address the thoughts going on in this thread :)


not complaining at all, I'll enjoy it no matter what way it goes. my previous post above was just an observation into the previous post by reticent, just tossing out a few facts and views ;-)