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So many tits, so little time...

That pretty much sums up this entire year, and December was no different!

Sorry the month is a little text/story free, still working out the kinks on that end, but as you can see from the ultrapack, the workload was pretty optimistic this time around. To be honest, the holidays cut into production just enough to limit whether I produced more imagery or dedicated time to layout and story work, so I opted for more imagery for now.

However, I'll be working on some layout and story stuff for Sadie and HUD3 throughout january, so expect more updates on that front.

As for HUD3, well, it continues! The one thing about doing a very varied month is production does get a little off the rails with all the varied sets and setups, but hopefully you all like what came out this month. That and Hitome is poised to get a really, really good taste of Suki in January!

One thing of note in production this month was the FabPharma chronicles pieces featuring a rather enlarged Becky. These sorts of scenes are pretty fun to work on since there's a lot going on in them (plus I actually had to build the facility quarters where Becky is currently held from the ground up, just couldn't fit her tits into any old place :D).

Now to look forward! Good things coming up for 2018, I think with the latest stuff I've managed to work out with materials and lighting, we're getting closer to more animated content. Just need to get a little bit more juice into the rigs, so I'll be saving up for that :)

So for January, here's the base list of stuff I want to get through:

- Continue HUD3 with a more dedicated production schedule in aims to finish it completely

- More Sadie. I know December was very light on the polling :s

- Pinups, scenes, and other randomness with the other girls as possible

- Layouts, layouts, layouts! From some comic strips (specially focused on the Sadie progression), as well as finalizing layouts for a pdf format to change up the image pack's presentation

So, that's it for now I think. Time to crack open a bottle and bid 2017 good bye :D

Until next year!

- bd

P.S. Oh also, coming up in a few minutes, a preview of Sadie's progression for everyone on the lower tiers while I finish the comic version ^^



One of the biggest and best months ever. Great way to close out the year. You definitely have earned that beer BD. Happy New Year! 😃