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Phew! Things took a little longer than planned, but as you can see I managed to go into overdrive this month on production ^^

On one big note, I made a little breakthrough with lighting that improves render speeds and the overall quality of the light by a pretty substantial margin this month. I think you can notice that in the results of this month's pieces.

And of course, there's the UD3 progress, which I'm pretty stoked about. Sorry about no comic layout yet though, when I sat down to actually do it and noticed I could still pump out a few more renders instead... well, I guess you see which path I chose xD

However, throughout December I'll really be getting down on layout a lot. Gonna be doing it alongside rendering throughout the whole month, since UD3 is still not done and setting up all panels in an impactful manner.

On that note, thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the comic thing. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea (or milk, or genetics-altering serum), but I do think it can be a cool addition alongside the regular image sets.

Also, thinking of the image sets themselves, I have gotten some feedback on how some people find it annoying to go through the zip or rar files to extract the content. On that note, specially since I know some of you like to check stuff out from your mobile devices, I think I may be steering future monthly releases into a pdf format that's easier to access and flip through. Basically just think of the image sets but set up in a magazine-style manner. Could combine well with the comic/manga parts too, we'll see.

So, coming up in December:

- More, more, moar UD3! Still got a bit of storyline to get through, specially with Suki left by herself while Fuki had her way with Hitome.

- Some more Zero getting played with. Nicholas' relationship with his main pet has always been alluded to, so I think delving graphically into what that's like is definitely fun.

- Pinups as usual, this time probably Holiday themed since it's that time of year.

- Sadie polls, because of course! (A note here: since corporate plaything received a lot of support as well, the erotic encounters perk will be carried over into the bio-factory scenario that was chosen. So that should be fun!)

- Some other goodies I'm gonna try and fit into production.

For now, time for me to pass out! I feel like my eyeballs are boiling off from staring at renders (although, considering the content matter, it's a good kind of eyeball-boiling!).

- bd



nice! something with the adaptive sampling or such in regards to octane's lighting?


Adaptive sampling will generally slow down the render actually, although if you have hot pixel issues it’s worth it sometimes. It’s actually all about IES profiles on mesh lights, set up properly they actually work like 4 times more efficiently than a regular mesh light, with the added benefit of getting more realistic light that you can tweak further with all the different IES profiles you can think of. I’ll probably be making a quick tutorial about this soon because it’s actually really simple and it helps so damn much in any scenario where you want/need a mesh light




had lot of pixel issues with refelctive ewet skin water surfaces hence used it a lot :)


Adjusting the GI clamp can help with specular materials. Also try to never use more specular depth than you actually need (gotta tweak per scene depending what you're doing). Last but not least there's always the brute force hotpixel removal which can help with big problem areas, although if you need to use it I'd suggest saving a copy with and without the effect in place to composite later in an image editor like PS