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Sadie hung against the wall restraints. Numb, limp, and spent after what seemed like hours of Alice continually making her climax, the orgasmic bursts coupled and intertwined with the stabbing sensations of her transformed needle-digits piercing her breasts, a nigh-endless stream of electrifying serum oozing into her titflesh. But now, she almost felt as if she was out of her body, staring at herself in a dreamlike haze.

Suddenly, she wasn't hanging off the wall anymore in these darkened recesses of a facility she hardly recognized, but strapped and cuffed against a metal yoke, her head pulled back to face forward and held in place by a metal rod. She felt her heart beat heavily in her chest, feeling suddenly rushing back into her in a jolting burst of emotion.

She gasped, jerking at the restraints. Her desire to flee charged through her and rang in her mind like a klaxon, sending her pulse racing. Her eyes widened as a light from an unseen source suddenly flooded her sight, the adrenaline surged through her, flowed freely now that her consciousness returned to her enough to understand that something was awakening in this nightmarish place, dread filling her being as fighting against her restraints proved entirely futile.

She attempted escape once more, and suddenly felt the increased weight almost pulling her down and bending her spine towards the floor. Her eyes darted from the pulsating red light that now seemed to fill the chamber that held her in a crimson haze, and while her restraints kept her from craning her neck down, she could still see the curvature of her enormous, swollen breasts, ever larger than her last recollection of them, their flesh softly pulsating, as if the insides of her titflesh ached only to expand further, only barely restrained by her taut skin. While she couldn't see them from her perspective, Sadie could feel her nipples and areolae had swollen to grotesque proportions, almost feeling as if they were close to bursting, jolts of intense pleasure and pain racing through her chest only accentuating her perceived predicament.

She felt like screaming in pure, animalistic terror, and as her lips parted, only maddened laughter rushed out of her. And so she laughed, her voice like shards of glass crashing on marble as she felt her consciousness, her very sense of self, being torn at the edges, a dark and ravenous entity beginning to hungrily gnaw at her very thoughts, all-consuming. Despite herself, she almost welcomed her descent into madness, her vision rapidly blurring from the gushing tears now streaming down her cheeks, ragged gasps of air burning through her as her breathing quickened in tandem with her ever-increasing pulse, the throbbing of her heart a manic drumbeat in her head, insides aflame as she felt the impending plunge into mind-shattering...




"Huh, guess I pushed almost a little too far there now, didn't I?" Alice mused, sliding a needle tip out of Sadie's neck, who stared unerringly forward, her pupils like dark saucers almost blotting out her irises, completely unaware of Alice's prescence, now and throughout her brush with insanity, "Mmm... no matter, this should get you on the up and up, sweety," she cooed at Sadie, her right hand gliding beneath her chin as she lifted her head upwards a tad further.

"H-haaaaa..." Sadie uttered in a pleasured daze, all trace of terror, worry, and despair completely absent from her voice.

Alice giggled, licking her lips, "Exactly, my little morsel! You're probably a little too out of it right now, I had to give you a stronger dose to bring you back from those scary corners your mind likes to run off to. But don't worry, I promise you'll be enjoying yourself a lot more from now on..." she purred, stroking Sadie's face with her syringe-sprouted fingertips, "That I can definitely guarantee."

Sadie didn't reply right away, her mind suddenly flooded with sensation again. But instead of the ever-present fear she had felt since she first accepted her indentured servitude within the FabPharma corporation, she only felt... oddly refreshed. And oh, so much pleasure...the restraints holding her in place felt tight, but surprisingly snug and comforting at the same time, and her breasts... Sadie unknowingly bit her lip as she focused on how her titflesh felt, each squelching, involuntary throb and the pressure it imparted upon her skin was now glorious and exciting, shooting playful, electric quivers down her spine, making her pussy wet and slick. Even the trickle and ooze of her juices slowly crawling down her inner thighs only thrilled her further, the shame she had previously felt seeming kind of silly as she exalted in the liquid warmth caressing her skin, goosebumps rushing throughout her flesh.

"Y-yes, Miss Alice!" She suddenly almost squealed, "Anything you want, I will gladly endure! Just... please... give me... more..."

Alice raised an eyebrow quizically, "Oh, my. I didn't expect you to be 'that' pliable with just a bit of pleasure enhancer..." she narrowed her eyes, grinning a sharp toothed smile, "Maybe you really are a complete little slut behind all that self-restraint!"

Sadie tried to nod and arched her back as much as she could in her clamped down position, "I can be slutty if you want it so, Miss Alice... just please don't let this feeling go away," she bit her lip excitedly before her demeanour changed slightly back to her old self, "I-I don't want to go back to being so... afraid..." she almost whispered.

Alice chuckled, her glowing eyes flaring momentarily as she flicked her right hand theatrically away from Sadie's face, her fingers curling as their syringe tips refilled anew, underscribable motes of color swirling within the otherwise turquoise fluid, "Oh, no need to worry about that... after this, you will never be the same again..." she murred, her hand suddenly coming down in a flash, the needles piercing into Sadie's neck.

Sadie gasped loudly, and her eyes widened more and more, an expression of pure surprise painting itself across her face as the fluid pumped into her bloodstream.

Never the same... after this? She thought to herself, with a candid and illogical sense of thrill and excitement that felt almost alien to her.





Mark Williams

Ah her nipples are comming along nicely...now to double that size!


looking amazing


Can I give you moar than 1 like?