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Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays Balloondolls, or something close to it!

The major exception being hurricanes, apparently.

As you may or may not have been aware, I was in an evac zone for Hurricane Irma earlier this month. Thankfully, as you can see I'm safe, and outside of some water damage to my apartment due to less than stellar neighbors upstairs, pretty much everything survived unscathed.

That is, except, my production for this month. Which in between power outages, brownouts, and other miscellaneous real life issues, pretty much cut my work time this month by about half :/

So with that, I had to make a call on what I was going to end up doing with my time for this month, and I figured further perfecting some of the girls would go a long way.

On that note, while I'm sorry I decided to pause Unreal Desires for this month, I think with the updates I've developed with the girls with the time I had this month will make the re-starting/continuation of the series' set way more exciting now that I can return to my regular work scheduling for October.

Speaking of regular schedules, I know Sadie's time got cut short this month (although I'm sure she herself doesn't mind being subjected to a little less than usual transformations for this month), but on that aspect, I think the changes you do see that have been effected from the latest poll are rather impressive. Don't worry though, we'll be returning to a proper polling/storytelling with the start of October.

So all in all, this month became kind of like an unplanned intermission in the usual Balloondolls showing. Not super happy about it, but I'm glad I managed to get some work done (and that you will hopefully enjoy as well). In the end, I'm just super grateful I can continue doing so both by having mostly dodged a potential natural disaster with much more severe circumstances, and of course just extra grateful to have the lot of you supporting the work I create, specially through a time where work suffered a bit from outside circumstances.

But enough of that for now. Suffice it to say October will be very exciting with what I'm cooking up, and I very much look forward as to what the polls might bring for Sadie!

- bd


Brittany Bovine

Glad to hear you're doing ok! Tbh I'm surprised you got as much work done as you did, so personally I'm thankful that you gave us anything at all this month! Thank you and continue the great work!


Good to see you back in action. Any chance of getting a dedicated Unreal Desires update this month?


The plan is to get a good amount of it rendered, although I wouldn’t call it dedicated since there’s also other things lined up, like the ongoing Sadie stuff :)


Would love an update ... just a small one maybe. Has Denise filled up again?