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Well, the hurricane has passed, glad to say I'm safe.

On the crappy end of things though, there's basically no power anywhere, as well as lots of flooding near my area.

Hoping to get power restored within the next few days so I can get back to work! Going back to my place might take a little longer since, again, flooding. Fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, thanks to everyone leaving me messages, really appreciate it!




So glad you are safe!!! That's most important. The rest will work out. 😊 I'm supposed to be in FL in over a week. I hope it's still there😉


I'm pretty easy to keep happy. I do require electricity though. 😇


Me too!!!


Good to know you're safe :) Days without electricity i would lost my mind (longest no electricity i ever experienced was 6 hours)


Good thing I'm already crazy 😜 although yeah I'm pretty much going insane without power

Mr Xenocide

Glad to hear you didn't blow or float away! Weathering the storm here as we speak. Hope everyone else in the storms path stays safe as well

XLModel Scout

Good to hear you're safe! Crossing fingers for you to return safe and well -- and being able to work on your great stuff again!


Man, I wish you luck with the power issue. I already had this problem... for 3 days... and almost got crazy haha! Glad you're safe!